Browsing by Author "Morales Aznar, José"
Now showing items 1-20 of 33
Acute effects of jaw clenching using a customized mouthguard on anaerobic ability and ventilatory flows
Morales Aznar, José; Buscà Safont-Tria, Bernat; Solana-Tramunt, Mònica; Miró, Adrià (Human Movement Science, 2015, Vol. 44, 2017-05-29)The latest findings on the ergogenic effects of a dentistry-design, bite-aligning mouthpiece require additional research to assess its impact on anaerobic ability and ventilatory parameters. This paper ... -
Adaptative Judo Best Practice: Autjudo. A Handbook on how to teach Judo to people with Austistic Spectrum Disorder
Morales Aznar, José; Mulroy, James; Mulroy, Teresa; Davitt, Sean; Desopo, Luigina; Marcolini, Claudio; Adami, Chiara; Evenblij, Cecilia; Bontognali, Mario; Vries, Henk de; Lefevere, Bob; Werff, Tycho van der; Rundqvist, Tomas; Rösselharth, Dick; Curto Luque, Cristina; Guerra Balic, Míriam; Pierantozzi OLY, Emanuela; Muroni, Rosamaria (2022)Este manual introduce al lector en el ámbito de la práctica de judo adaptado para personas con Trastorno de Espectro Autista (TEA). Autjudo combina dos pasiones muy importantes para los autores de esta ... -
Behavioural Improvements in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder after Participation in an Adapted Judo Programme Followed by Deleterious Effects during the COVID-19 Lockdown
Morales Aznar, José; Fukuda, David H.; Garcia, Vanessa; Pierantozzi, Emanuela; Curto Luque, Cristina; Martínez-Ferrer, Josep O.; Gómez, Antonia M.; Carballeira, Eduardo; Guerra Balic, Míriam (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18, 8015, 2021)The public health lockdown prompted by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which included school closures that may have potentially serious consequences for people with disabilities or special ... -
Changes in Catalan Adolescents’ Agility over Two Decades: A Temporal Trend Study
Arboix-Alió, Jordi; Peralta-Geis, Mariona; Morales Aznar, José; Moragas, Marta; Buscà Safont-Tria, Bernat; Solà Santesmases, Josep (Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(18):8290, 2024-09)Physical fitness is considered an important indicator of health in adolescents. Despite the recognized benefits of regular physical activity, recent studies indicate a decline in physical fitness among ... -
Does eight weeks of integrated functional core and plyometric training improve postural control performance in young rhythmic gymnasts?
Cabrejas, Cristina; Morales Aznar, José; Solana-Tramunt, Mònica; Nieto-Guisado, Ainhoa; Badiola-Zabala, Alesander; Campos-Rius, Josep (Motor control, 26(4), 568-590., 2022-07)It has been suggested that core stability and plyometric training (CPT) can enhance athletes’ postural control. Nevertheless, the effects of an integrated core and plyometric training program on rhythmic ... -
Educació de les actituds, valors i normes a través del judo
Morales Aznar, José; Gibert Estalella, Agnès (Aloma, 2007, Núm. 21, 2007)L’educació de les actituds, valors i normes és un tema que cada dia preocupa més. En aquest bloc de continguts se situen els hàbits de conducta que, al mateix temps, provenen del raonament i les convencions ... -
Effects of a Long-Term Adapted Judo Program on the Health-Related Physical Fitness of Children with ASD
Pierantozzi, Emanuela; Morales Aznar, José; Fukuda, David H.; Garcia, Vanessa; Gómez Hinojosa, Antonia Maria; Guerra Balic, Míriam; Carballeira, Eduardo (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19(24), 16731, 2022-12)Physical fitness is one of the most important physical and mental health aspects for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This study aimed to test the effects of a long-term adapted judo program ... -
Effects of jaw clenching wearing customized mouthguards on agility, power and vertical jump in male high-standard basketball players
Buscà Safont-Tria, Bernat; Moreno-Doutres, Daniel; Peña, Javier; Morales Aznar, José; Solana-Tramunt, Mònica; Aguilera-Castells, Joan (Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, Volume 16, Issue 1 , April 2018, Pages 5-11, 2017-12)Background/Objective: Basketball players commonly use mouthguards for protecting their mouths from collisions with other players. Besides, literature reports that specific types of mouthguards may ... -
Effects of jaw clenching wearing customized mouthguards on agility, power and vertical jump in male high-standard basketball players
Buscà Safont-Tria, Bernat; Moreno-Doutres, Daniel; Peña, Javier; Morales Aznar, José; Solana-Tramunt, Mònica (Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 2017)Background/Objective: Basketball players commonly use mouthguards for protecting their mouths fromcollisions with other players. Besides, literature reports that specific types of mouthguards may becomean ... -
Effects of Jaw Clenching While Wearing a Customized Bite-Aligning Mouthpiece on Strength in Healthy Young Men
Buscà Safont-Tria, Bernat; Morales Aznar, José; Solana-Tramunt, Mònica; Miró, Adrià; García, Mario (Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 30(4):p 1102-1110, 2016-04)Recent studies have investigated the ergogenic effects of different types of mouthguards. There is evidence of the benefits of clenching customized mouthpieces on force and power development. The ... -
Effects of Wearing a Jaw-repositioning Intra-oral Device in Synchronized Swimming Athletes
Solana-Tramunt, Mònica; Buscà Safont-Tria, Bernat; Morales Aznar, José; Miró, Adrià; Aguilera-Castells, Joan; Arboix-Alió, Jordi (International Journal of Sports Medicine, 2020; 41(12): 839-845, 2020-06)The effects of wearing an intra-oral device on several ventilatory and fatigue markers have been reported for a variety of sports. The quality of the figures performed in synchronized swimming is directly ... -
El judo: un exemple d'educació a través de l'esport
Morales Aznar, José; Pujol Janè, Albert; García Núñez, Vanessa; Curto Luque, Cristina (Aloma, 2005, Núm. 15, 2005-01) -
La gamificación en educación física: efectos sobre la motivación y el aprendizaje
Sevilla-Sánchez, Marta; Dopico Calvo, Xurxo; Morales Aznar, José; Iglesias-Soler, Eliseo; Fariñas, Juan; Carballeira, Eduardo (Retos, Núm. 47, p. 87-95, 2023-01)Introducción: El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar los efectos de una Unidad Didáctica (UD) gamificada en com-paración con una UD de metodología tradicional, sobre los niveles de motivación y ... -
Impact of COVID-19 on the self-reported physical activity of people with complete thoracic spinal cord injury full-time manual wheelchair users
Marco-Ahulló, Adrià; Montesinos-Magraner, Lluïsa; González, Luis-Millán; Morales Aznar, José; Bernabéu-García, Jose Antonio; García-Massó, Xavier (The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 2021, 2021)Context: The emergence of COVID-19 caused a new public health crisis, leading to major changes in daily life routines, often including physical activity (PA) levels. The main goal of this study was to ... -
Improving motor skills and psychosocial behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorder through an adapted judo program
Morales Aznar, José; Pierantozzi, Emanuela; Fukuda, David H.; Garcia, Vanessa; Guerra Balic, Míriam; Sevilla-Sánchez, Marta; Carballeira, Eduardo (Frontiers in Physiology, 2021, 12:712471, 2022-11)Introduction: This study aimed to investigate the long-term effects of an adapted judo program on the motor skills and psychosocial abilities of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Methods: ... -
Injury Risk Analysis among Judo Athletes with Intellectual Disabilities
Morales Aznar, José; Iteya, Misaki; Mulroy, James; Kons, Rafael; Simenko, Jozef; Fukuda, David H.; Escobar-Molina, Raquel; Guerra-Balic, Myriam; Pierantozzi, Emanuela; Moragas, Marta (International journal of sports medicine. 45(07): 511-518., 2024-04)The main aim of this study was to evaluate injury prevalence, incidence rate, and burden in judo athletes with intellectual disabilities (ID) who participate in international competitions. This retrospective ... -
Inter-rater reliability of a classification system for athletes with intellectual disabilities in adapted judo competitions
Morales Aznar, José; Garcia, Vanessa; Fukuda, David H.; Pierantozzi, Emanuela; Mulroy, James; Martínez Ferrer, Josep Oriol; Guerra-Balic, Myriam (Archives of Budo, Vol. 17, Núm. 119, 2021)Background and Study Aim: The proliferation of adapted judo programs for people with intellectual disabilities has garnered continu- ous growth in the number of participants in this activity. As a ... -
Intermittent cooling during judo training in a warm/humid environment reduces autonomic and hormonal impact
Carballeira, Eduardo; Morales Aznar, José; Fukuda, David H.; Granada, María L.; Carratalá-Deval, Vicente; López Díaz de Durana, Alfonso; Stout, Jeffrey R. (Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 5 gener 2018, 2018)The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of superficial cooling on physiological responses while training in a warm, humid environment during an international judo training camp. Sixteen ... -
Las carreras de orientación en educación física utilizando teléfonos móviles
Cumellas Ruiz, Lluís; Sebastiani i Obrador, Enric Ma.; Prats Fernández, Miquel Angel; Morales Aznar, José (Revista de Psicología del Deporte. Vol. 29, Suplemento 2, pp. 10-18, 2020)En el deporte de orientación y por extensión en la educación física aprendemos a ubicarnos en un mapa para llegar allí donde queremos. Nos movemos en un mundo cada vez más tecnológico y el uso de los ... -
Physical activity, physical fitness and academic achievement in adolescents: a self-organizing maps approach
Pellicer-Chenoll, Maite; García-Massó, Xavier; Morales Aznar, José; Serra-Añó, Pilar; Solana-Tramunt, Mònica; González, Luis-Millán; Toca-Herrera, José Luis (Health Education Research, 2015, Vol. 30, Núm. 3, 2017-05-29)The relationship among physical activity, physical fitness and academic achievement in adolescents has been widely studied; however, controversy concerning this topic persists. The methods used thus far ...