Browsing by Author "Navarro Martín, Joan"
Now showing items 1-20 of 24
A custom approach for a flexible, real-time and reliable software defined utility
Zaballos Diego, Agustín; Navarro Martín, Joan; Martín de Pozuelo, Ramon (Sensors. 2018, Vol. 18. 3, 2018-02)Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have enabled the evolution of traditional electric power distribution networks towards a new paradigm referred to as the smart grid. However, the different ... -
An Adaptive and Scalable Replication Protocol on Power Smart Grids
Navarro Martín, Joan; Armendáriz Iñigo, José Enrique; Climent Ferrer, August (Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, 2011, Vol. 12, no. 3, 2011-09)Cloud based storage systems are known to provide high scalability and reliability overcoming the traditional constraints of static distributed systems. The processing capacity over thousands of machines ... -
Analizando el proceso de aprendizaje de nuestros alumnos: un caso práctico
Amo Filvà, Daniel; Navarro Martín, Joan; Canaleta Llampallas, Xavier (2019-07)Actualmente la analítica del aprendizaje nos proporciona herramientas que nos permiten conocer con más detalle el proceso de aprendizaje de nuestros estudiantes y, gracias a ello, podemos realizar mejoras ... -
Automated Audio Data Monitoring for a Social Robot in Ambient Assisted Living Environments
Alsina Pagès, Rosa Maria; Navarro Martín, Joan; Casals Oliveras, Enric (New Friends 2016: The 2nd International Conference on Social Robots in Therapy & Education, 2016-11-04)Human life expectancy has steadily grown over the last century, which has driven governments and institutions to increase the efforts on caring about the eldest segment of the population. Although this ... -
Automatic tutoring system to support cross-disciplinary training in Big Data
Solé Beteta, Xavier; Navarro Martín, Joan; Vernet Bellet, David; Zaballos Diego, Agustín; Torres Kompen, Ricardo; Fonseca Escudero, David; Briones Delgado, Alan (The Journal of Supercomputing, 2020, 1818-1852, 2021-02)During the last decade, Big Data has emerged as a powerful alternative to address latent challenges in scalable data management. The ever-growing amount and rapid evolution of tools, techniques, and ... -
Dynamic Distributed Storage Architecture on Smart Grids
Navarro Martín, Joan; Armendáriz Iñigo, José Enrique; Climent Ferrer, August (2011-07)Most of the power network services such as voltage control, asset management, or flow monitoring are implemented within a centralized paradigm. Novel distributed power generation techniques—eolian fields ... -
Enhancing Long-term Children to Robot Interaction Engagement through Cloud Connectivity
Albo Canals, Jordi; Fernández Baena, Adso; Boldú Busquets, Roger; Barco Martelo, Alexandre; Navarro Martín, Joan; Miralles Esteban, David; Raya Giner, Cristobal; Angulo Bahon, Cecilio (2015-03)In this paper, we introduce a cloud-based structure to enhance long-term engagement in a pet-robot companion treatment to reduce stress an anxiety to hospitalized ... -
Epidemia: Variable Consistency for Transactional Cloud Databases
Arrieta-Salinas, Itziar; Armendáriz-Iñigo, José Enrique; Navarro Martín, Joan (Journal of Universal Computer Science, 2014. Vol. 20, 14, 2014-12)Classic replication protocols running on traditional cluster-based databases are currently unable to meet the ever-growing scalability demands of many modern software applications. Recent cloud-based ... -
Evaluación de la importancia de la ética, privacidad y seguridad en los estudios de Learning Analytics, en el marco de las conferencias LAK
Amo Filvà, Daniel; Alier Forment, Marc; Fonseca Escudero, David; García-Peñalvo, Francisco José; Casañ Guerrero, María José; Navarro Martín, Joan (2019-10-09)Los orígenes del Learning Analytics son difusos y rodeados por un intenso debate sobre su definición. Este debate se sitúa en el ámbito académico y comunidad científica. Además, se pretende identificar ... -
Herramienta de soporte a la evaluación del aprendizaje y gestión docente
Canaleta Llampallas, Xavier; Solé Beteta, Xavier; Navarro Martín, Joan (Actas de las VII Jornadas de Enseñanza universitaria de la Informática, 2012-07) -
Home Sound: a GPU-based Platform for Massive Data Acquisition and Processing for Acoustic Ambient Assisted Living Applications for Behavior Monitoring
Navarro Martín, Joan; Alsina Pagès, Rosa Maria; Hervás García, Marcos (Sensors & Transducers Journal. 2017. Vol.212, No.5 (Maig), 2017-05)Human life expectancy has grown over the last century, which has driven governments to increase the efforts on caring about the eldest population. Therefore, modern trends take advantage of latest ... -
homeSound: A High Performance Platform for Massive Data Acquisitionand Processing in Ambient Assisted Living Environments
Hervás García, Marcos; Alsina Pagès, Rosa Maria; Navarro Martín, Joan (2017-02)Las Smart Grids se presentan como una solución a la demanda de la gestión distribuida e inteligente de la energía, mejorando así las funciones de automatización, recolección ... -
homeSound: Real-Time Audio Event Detection Based on High Performance Computing for Behaviour and Surveillance Remote Monitoring
Alsina Pagès, Rosa Maria; Navarro Martín, Joan; Alías Pujol, Francesc; Hervás García, Marcos (Sensors. 2017, Vol. 17, No. 4, 2017-04)The consistent growth in human life expectancy during the recent years has driven governments and private organizations to increase the efforts in caring for the eldest segment of the population. These ... -
Low-Cost Distributed Acoustic Sensor Network for Real-Time Urban Sound Monitoring
Vidaña Vila, Ester; Navarro Martín, Joan; Borda Fortuny, Cristina; Stowell, Dan; Alsina Pagès, Rosa Maria (Electronics, 2020, Vol. 9, No. 12, 2020-12)Continuous exposure to urban noise has been found to be one of the major threats to citizens’ health. In this regard, several organizations are devoting huge efforts to designing new in-field systems ... -
Metodología on demand para el desarrollo de la asignatura de Sistemas Operativos Avanzados
Canaleta Llampallas, Xavier; Vernet Bellet, David; Navarro Martín, Joan (2013-07)Este artículo explora la metodología on demand, que puede ser considerada una nueva faceta del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (Project Based Learning). Esta metodología de aprendizaje está orientada ... -
Método no formal para la evaluación de la docencia aplicada al Grado de Ingeniería Informática
Canaleta Llampallas, Xavier; Vernet Bellet, David; Navarro Martín, Joan; Solé Beteta, Xavier; López Vicente, Pau (2014-07)La evaluación de la docencia tiene diferentes objetivos. En algunos casos pretende obtener un análisis del funcionamiento de sus unidades docentes, tales como las asignaturas, los departamentos o ... -
Optimistic concurrency control with partial replication design
Climent Ferrer, August; Navarro Martín, Joan; Bertran, Miquel; Babot, Francesc (2009-11)This paper presents a performance comparison of optimistic concurrency control algorithms using a database design with partial replication. Most studies always assume total replication design, but this ... -
Prototyping a Software Defined Utility
Martín de Pozuelo, Ramon; Zaballos Diego, Agustín; Navarro Martín, Joan; Corral Torruella, Guiomar (Energies, 2017. Vol. 10, 6, 2017-06)The smart grid can be seen as a hybrid system composed by many systems. From a large scale point of view, it combines the electric power system itself and a heterogeneous information and communication ... -
PyFF: A Fog-Based Flexible Architecture for EnablingPrivacy-by-Design IoT-Based Communal Smart Environments
Zohra Benhamida, Fatima; Navarro Martín, Joan; Gómez Carmona, Oihane; Casado Mansilla, Diego; López de Ipiña, Diego; Zaballos Diego, Agustín (Sensors, 2021, 21 (11), 2021-05)The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the massive growth of devices connected tothe Internet are reshaping modern societies. However, human lifestyles are not evolving at the samepace as ... -
Real-Time Distributed Architecture for Remote Acoustic Elderly Monitoring in Residential-Scale Ambient Assisted Living Scenarios
Navarro Martín, Joan; Vidaña Vila, Ester; Alsina Pagès, Rosa Maria; Hervás García, Marcos (Sensors. 2018, Vol. 18, No.8., 2018-08)Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) has become a powerful alternative to improving the life quality of elderly and partially dependent people in their own living environments. In this regard, tele-care and ...