Browsing by Author "Griffiths, Mark D."
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Internet gaming disorder in adolescence: Psychological characteristics of a clinical sample
Torres-Rodríguez, Alexandra; Griffiths, Mark D.; Carbonell, Xavier; Oberst, Ursula (Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 2018, Vol. 7, Núm. 3, 2018)Background and aims: Internet gaming disorder (IGD) has become a topic of increasing research interest since its inclusion in Section 3 of the DSM-5. Given the lack of clinical studies concerning IGD, ... -
Internet Gaming Disorder Treatment: A Case Study Evaluation of Four Different Types of Adolescent Problematic Gamers
Torres-Rodríguez, Alexandra; Griffiths, Mark D.; Carbonell, Xavier; Farriols Hernando, Núria; Torres-Jimenez, Encarna (International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, Vol. 17 (2019), 2019)Research examining Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) has grown markedly in recent years. However, research on its psychological treatment is still scarce, especially with respect to efficacy of specific ... -
Spanish Validation of the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale–Short Form (IGDS9-SF): Prevalence and Relationship with Online Gambling and Quality of Life
Beranuy, Marta; Machimbarrena, Juan M.; Vega-Osés, M. Asunción; Carbonell, Xavier; Griffiths, Mark D.; Pontes, Halley M.; González-Cabrera, Joaquín (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, Vol. 17(5), 1562, 2020)Online gaming is a very common form of leisure among adolescents and young people, although its excessive and/or compulsive use is associated with psychological impairments in a minority of gamers. The ... -
Spanish validation of the Internet Gaming Disorder-20 (IGD-20) Test
Fuster, Héctor; Carbonell, Xavier; Pontes, Hally M.; Griffiths, Mark D. (Computer in Human Behavior, 2016, Núm. 56, 2015-11)In recent years, problematic and addictive gaming has been a phenomenon of growing concern worldwide. In light of the increasing awareness about this issue, the latest (fifth) edition of the American ...