Browsing by Author "Sala Bars, Ingrid"
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Análisis de la formación universitaria recibida por los titulados universitarios españoles con discapacidad auditiva en la adquisición de las competencias profesionales
Dalmau Montalà, Mariona; Sala Bars, Ingrid; Llinares Fité, Montserrat (Siglo Cero, 2015, Vol. 46 (3), Núm. 255, 2014)The aim of this study was to understand how university graduates with a hearing impairment in Spain perceived their studies. The method used was quantitative-qualitative and descriptive. The participating ... -
Discourses on racism in families with school-aged children
Alguacil de Nicolás, Montserrat; Sala Bars, Ingrid; Ribalta Alcalde, Maria Dolors; Boqué Torremorell, Maria Carme (Journal of Peace Education, 19(3), 303–329, 2022-11)Unfortunately, racism is a kind of violence present in current societies that embodies an attitude opposed to the culture of peace. In this scenario, the family has a relevant role to contribute to the ... -
Does reciprocal peer observation promote the transfer of learning to teaching practice?
Flores, Marta; Sala Bars, Ingrid; Ortiz, Maite; Duran, David (Psychology in the Schools. 2024;61:3873–3890., 2024-06)This paper investigates whether Reciprocal Peer Observation is an effective practice for promoting Teacher Professional Development. It focuses on analysing the Improvement Goals transfer processes ... -
Eines digitals per a l’avaluació des d’una perspectiva del DUA
Sala Bars, Ingrid; Macià-Golobardes, Maria; Simón Llovet, Jordi; Alomar Kurz, Elisabeth (Aloma, 2020, Vol. 38(2), 2020)La tecnologia com a mitjà per garantir l’accessibilitat a l’aprenentatge i atendre la diversitat de l’alumnat a l’aula ha estat objecte de nombrosos estudis i experiències educatives. El disseny universal ... -
Families' Discourse in Polarized Societies When Talking about Violence with Their Children in Catalonia
Boqué Torremorell, Maria Carme; Alguacil de Nicolás, Montserrat; García Raga, Laura; Ribalta Alcalde, Maria Dolors; Sala Bars, Ingrid (Carter, C., & Dhungana, R.K. (Eds.). (2023). Educating for Peace through Countering Violence: Strategies in Curriculum and Instruction (1st ed.). Routledge., 2023) -
Formación universitaria e inserción laboral. Titulados españoles con discapacidad y competencias profesionalizadoras
Dalmau Montalà, Mariona; Llinares Fité, Montserrat; Sala Bars, Ingrid (Revista Española de Discapacidad, 2013, Vol. 1, Núm. 2, 2017-04-24)The aim of this study was to explore the strengths and weaknesses detected by Spanish university graduates with a disability in the process of university education and integration into the mainstream ... -
Impact of reciprocal peer observation on teacher collaboration perceptions
Corcelles-Seuba, Mariona; Sala Bars, Ingrid; Soler, Mireia; Duran, David (British Educational Research Journal, 00, 1–21, 2024-01)This study aims to assess the effectiveness of recipro-cal peer observation (RPO) as a form of professional collaboration among teachers in enhancing their perceptions of teacher collaboration ... -
La inclusión de los estudiantes con discapacidad en la universidad: un reto para la universidad española en el nuevo espacio europeo de la educación superior
Castellana, Montserrat; Sala Bars, Ingrid (Aloma, 2006, Núm. 18, 2006) -
Las familias ante problemáticas actuales que plantean sus hijos e hijas
Sala Bars, Ingrid; Ribalta Alcalde, Maria Dolors; Alguacil de Nicolás, Montserrat; Boqué Torremorell, Maria Carme (Rainha Pereira, E., Vergara Arboleda, M., Cáceres Muñoz, J., Jiménez Hernández, A., Sánchez Martín, M. (2021). Construyendo juntos una escuela para la vida. Dykinson, 2021)El objetivo estudiar si el estilo de crianza, junto con algunas características sociodemográficas del entorno familiar del chico, se relacionan con los problemas escolares y las habilidades adaptativas ... -
Moving towards preservice teachers’ implementation of universal design for learning: the central role of self-efficacy
Sala Bars, Ingrid; Mumbardó, Cristina; Adam-Alcocer, Ana Luisa (Teachers and Teaching, 2024, 1–19, 2024-02)As Universal Design for Learning (UDL) has emerged as a reference model to facilitate inclusive education, recent policies have stated the need to strengthen its use in schools and to train preservice ... -
Reasons and External Factors That Influence Access to University and Job Placement Programs for Individuals with Intellectual Disability
Sala Bars, Ingrid; Moriña, Anabel; Casas, Ana; van der Mel, Lucía (Behavioral Sciences, 2023, 13(9), 2023-09)Despite the rapid growth in inclusive university programs, access to inclusive higher education is still limited for students with intellectual disability (ID). This article explores the perspectives ... -
School administrators’ perceptions of democratic coexistence in Catalan schools: An analytical study
García Raga, Laura; Sala Bars, Ingrid; Alguacil de Nicolás, Montserrat; Boqué Torremorell, Maria Carme (South African Journal of Education, 42(2), 1-17, 2022-05)In democratic societies, education should help build a participative, critical and responsible citizenry and therefore promote the role of schools as settings where students learn democratic coexistence. ... -
Universal design for learning: a challenge and an opportunity for Spanish universities
Sala Bars, Ingrid; Moriña, Anabel (In Research Handbook on Higher Education and Disability; Madaus, J.W., Dukes, L.L., III, Eds.; Edward Elgar Publishing: Northampton, MA, USA, 2023, 2023-12)In Spain over the last few decades, the need to move towards inclusive universities has become apparent. The steady increase in the number of students with disabilities together with the development of ...