Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    • 1,2,3-Triazole Derivatives as Novel Antifibrinolytic Drugs 

      Bosch-Sanz, Oriol; Rabadà, Yvette; Biarnés Fontal, Xevi; Pedreño, Javier; Caveda, Luis; Balcells Camps, Mercedes; Martorell López, Jordi; Sánchez García, David (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(23), 2022, 14942, 2022)
      Fibrinolysis is a natural process that ensures blood fluidity through the removal of fibrin deposits. However, excessive fibrinolytic activity can lead to complications in different circumstances, such ...
    • Conjugated polymers: synthesis and applications in optoelectronics 

      Sánchez García, David; Anguera, Gonzalo (Afinidad. Vol.71, n.568 (2014), p.251-262, 2014-10)
      In the last 50 years the development of conjugated polymers for applications in optoelectronics and energy has attracted great interest because of its use as conductive polymers, in solar cells or ...
    • Glycyrrhetinic acid-functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles for the co-delivery of DOX/CPT-PEG for targeting HepG2 cells 

      Sánchez García, David; Borrós i Gómez, Salvador; Fornaguera Puigvert, Cristina; Martínez Edo, Gabriel (Pharmaceutics. Vol.12, n.11 (2020), 1048, 2020-11)
      A pH-triggered mesoporous silica nanoparticle (MSN)-based nano-vehicle for the dual delivery of doxorubicin (DOX)/camptothecin-PEG (CPT-PEG) has been prepared. To enhance its selectivity, the nanoparticles ...
    • Heteroacoplamientos catalizados por paladio 

      Teixidó i Closa, Jordi; Sánchez García, David; Borrós i Gómez, Salvador; Nonell, Santi; Borrell Bilbao, José Ignacio; Colominas Guàrdia, Carles (Afinidad. Vol.59, n.500 (2002), p.325-336, 2002)
      Durante los diez últimos años la química del paladio se ha aplicado intensamente en síntesis orgánica debido a su versatilidad y a su gran selectividad. En esta breve revisión se muestran las características ...
    • Nanopartículas de sílice: preparación y aplicaciones en biomedicina 

      Sánchez García, David; Llinàs, Maria (Afinidad. Vol.71, n.565 (2014), p.20-31, 2014-01)
      Actualmente, un importante número de avances científicos se fundamentan en la utilización de nanopartículas cómo superficies de actuación, vehículos de transporte, en procesos relacionados con aplicaciones ...
    • Porficenos para la fotoquimioterapia del cáncer y otras aplicaciones biomédicas 

      Nonell, Santi; Sánchez García, David; Borrell Bilbao, José Ignacio; Teixidó i Closa, Jordi; Arad, Ofir; Gavaldá, Ana; Rey, Óscar; Rubio, Noemi; Cañete, Magdalena; Juarranz, Ángeles; Villanueva, Ángeles; Stockert, Juan Carlos; Díaz Jiménez, Pablo J. (Afinidad. Vol.59, n.500 (2002), p.343-356, 2002)
      La terapia fotodinámica (PDT) o fotoquimioterapia del cáncer es una modalidad terapéutica que consiste en la aplicación de compuestos fotosensibilizadores que se acumulan preferentemente en tejidos ...
    • Preparation and applications of organo-silica hybrid mesoporous silica nanoparticles for the co-delivery of drugs and nucleic acids 

      Sánchez García, David; Pontón, Iris; Martí del Rio, Andrea; Gómez Gómez, Marta (Nanomaterials. Vol.10, n.12 (2020), 2466, 2020-12)
      Combination therapies rely on the administration of more than one drug, with independent mechanisms of action, aiming to enhance the efficiency of the treatment. For an optimal performance, the ...
    • Revising Protein Corona Characterization and Combining ITC and Nano-DSC to Understand the Interaction of Proteins With Porous Nanoparticles 

      Balmori, Alba; Sandu, Romica; Gheorghe, Daniela; Precupas, Aurica; Tanasescu, Speranta; Sánchez García, David; Borrós i Gómez, Salvador (Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2021-10-11)
      The exposure of nanoparticles (NPs) to biological fluids leads to the formation of a protein coating that is known as protein corona (PC). Since PC formation is influenced by the physicochemical properties ...
    • Unravelling the Antifibrinolytic Mechanism of Action of the 1,2,3-Triazole Derivatives 

      Rabadà, Yvette; Bosch-Sanz, Oriol; Biarnés Fontal, Xevi; Pedreño, Javier; Caveda, Luis; Sánchez García, David; Martorell López, Jordi; Balcells Camps, Mercedes (International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024;25(13):7002, 2024-06-26)
      A new family of antifibrinolytic drugs has been recently discovered, combining a triazole moiety, an oxadiazolone, and a terminal amine. Two of the molecules of this family have shown activity that is ...