Browsing by Author "Grup de Recerca Global Research on Wellbeing - GRoW"
Now showing items 1-20 of 28
A comparison of European countries FBDG in the light of their contribution to tackle diet-related health inequalities
Carrillo Álvarez, Elena; Boeckx, Hilde; Penne, Tess; Palma-Linares, Imma; Storms, Bérénice; Goedemé, Tim (European Journal of Public Health, 2020, 30(2): 346-353, 2019-08)Background: The purpose of this article is to report on a comparative analysis of the official food-based dietary guidelines (FBDG) that were applicable in 2015 in 25 EU Member States. We assess FBDG ... -
Acupoint transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in hospitalized COPD patients with severe dyspnoea: a randomized controlled trial
Fernández-Jané, Carles; Vilaró, Jordi; Costa-Tutusaus, Lluís (Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine, 2023, 28: 1-6, 2023-12)ObjectiveTo evaluate the effect of acupuncture transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (acuTENS) on the reduction of dyspnoea during acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ... -
Analysis of gender perspective in the use of NANDA-I nursing diagnoses: a systematic review
Rifà Ros, Rosa; Rodríguez Monforte, Míriam; Carrillo Álvarez, Elena; Barreto-Da Silva, Luana; Pallarès Martí, Àngela; Gasch Gallén, Ángel (Nursing Open, 2022, 10, 1305–1326, 2022-11)Aim To identify, describe and analyse the gender perspective in the use of the diagnoses contained in the NANDA-I taxonomy in observational studies published in the scientific literature. Design and ... -
Completeness of reporting acupuncture interventions for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Review of adherence to the STRICTA statement [version 3; peer review: 2 approved]
Fernández-Jané, Carles; Solà-Madurell, Mireia; Yu, Mingkun; Liang, ChangHao; Fei, Yutong; Sitjà i Rabert, Mercè; Urrútia, Gerard (F1000Research, 2020, 9:226, 2020-11)Background: The completeness of reporting of acupuncture interventions is critical to ensure the applicability and reproducibility of acupuncture clinical trials. In the past, different publications ... -
Defining a competency framework for health and social professionals to promote healthy aging throughout the lifespan: an international Delphi study
Rodríguez Monforte, Míriam; Fernández-Jané, Carles; Bracha, Marietta; Bartoszewska, Adrianna; Kozakiewicz, Mariusz; Leclerc, Mariel; Nimani, Endrit; Soanvaara, Pauliina; Jarvinen, Sari; van Scherpenseel, Meike; van der Velde, Miriam; Alves Lopes, Antonio; Handgraaf, Marietta; Grüneberg, Christian; Carrillo Álvarez, Elena (Advances in Health Sciences Education, 2024, 2024-03)The promotion of healthy aging has become a priority in most parts of the world and should be promoted at all ages. However, the baseline training of health and social professionals is currently not ... -
Effectiveness of home-based exercise delivered by digital health in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Solis-Navarro, Lilian; Gismero Serra, Aina; Fernández-Jané, Carles; Torres Castro, Rodrigo; Solà-Madurell, Mireia; Bergé, Clara; Mónica Pérez, Laura; Ars , Joan; Martín-Borràs, Carme; Vilaró, Jordi; Sitjà i Rabert, Mercè (Age and ageing, 2022, 51(11): 1-10, 2022-11)Background regular physical exercise is essential to maintain or improve functional capacity in older adults. Multimorbidity, functional limitation, social barriers and currently, coronavirus disease ... -
Ethnic disparities and obesity risk factors in pregnant women: a retrospective observational cohort study
Orós, Miriam; Siscart, Júlia; Perejón, Daniel; Serna, María Catalina; Godoy, Pere; Salinas-Roca, Blanca (Nutrients, 2023, 15(4), 926, 2023-02)Background: This article focuses on the prevalence of overweight and obesity in pregnancy in different ethnic groups and assesses the existence of associated comorbidities. (2) Materials and Methods: A ... -
European dietitians as key agents of the green transition: An exploratory study of their knowledge, attitudes, practices, and training
Muñoz-Martínez, Júlia; Carrillo Álvarez, Elena; Janiszewska, Katarzyna (Frontiers in Nutrition, 2023, 10:1129052, 2023-03)Introduction: How food systems are currently provisioning food to the population is a matter of debate worldwide. Food systems, driven by widespread and increasing adherence to a westernized dietary ... -
Experience, facilitators, and barriers to the implementation of a multicomponent programme in older people living in the community, +AGIL Barcelona: a qualitative study
Canet Vélez, Olga; Solis-Navarro, Lilian; Sitjà i Rabert, Mercè; Mónica Pérez, Laura; Roca Llobet, Judith; Soto-Bagaria, Luis; Torres Castro, Rodrigo; Díaz-Gallego, Francisco; Vilaró, Jordi; Inzitari, Marco (Frontiers in Public Health, 2023, 11:1161883, 2023-03)Introduction: The +AGIL Barcelona programme is a multicomponent care intervention for frail older adults (FOAs) living in the community. To improve the programme, it is essential to investigate the ... -
Exploring the barriers and facilitators for following a sustainable diet: A holistic and contextual scoping review
Muñoz-Martínez, Júlia; Cussó Parcerisas, Irene; Carrillo Álvarez, Elena (Sustainable Production and Consumption, Volum 46, Maig 2024, Pp. 476-490, 2024-03)Changing current dietary patterns to more sustainable ones is paramount to decrease the pressure food systems are putting onto the planet and people’s health and wellbeing. However, modifying consumers’ ... -
Family-based intervention to prevent childhood obesity among school-age children of low socioeconomic status: study protocol of the FIVALIN project
Homs, Clara; Berruezo, P.; Según, G.; Estrada, L.; de Bont, Jeroen; Riera Romaní, Jordi; Carrillo Álvarez, Elena; Schröder, Helmut; Milà, Raimon; Gómez, S. F. (BMC Pediatrics, 2021, 21: 246, 2021-05)Background: Childhood obesity represents a global public health crisis: the number of obese children and adolescents (aged 5–19 years) worldwide has risen tenfold in the past four decades. The vast ... -
Food aid in Europe in times of the COVID-19 crisis An international survey project
Greiss, Johanna; Schoneville, Holger; Adomavičienė, Aistė; Baltutė, Rimgailė; Bernát, Anikó; Carrillo Álvarez, Elena; Delanghe, Heleen; Goderis, Benedikt; Hermans, Karen; van der Horst, Hilje; Michoń, Piotr; Leite de Freitas Pereira, Elvira Sofia; Correia Pereirinha, José António; Cantillon, Bea (2022-09)Food aid has become an integral part of welfare states across Europe, which was particularly striking during the socio-economic COVID-19 crisis. So far, however, there has been little cross-national ... -
Food aid in four European countries: Assessing the price and content of charitable food aid packages by using food basket, household budget survey and contextual data
Hermans, Karen; Cantillon, Bea; Bernát, Anikó; Mäkinen, Lauri; Szivos, Péter; Carrillo Álvarez, Elena; Cussó Parcerisas, Irene; Muñoz-Martínez, Júlia (2023-01)Many European welfare states are confronted with a growing demand for charitable food aid among households that struggle to make ends meet. This issue is particularly pressing today as a consequence of ... -
Food and nutrition insecurity in Europe: challenges and opportunities for dietitians
Carrillo Álvarez, Elena (Advances in nutrition, 2023, vol. 14, núm. 5, p. 995-1004, 2023-08)In recent years, the interest in food and nutrition insecurity in high-income countries has skyrocketed. However, its recognition in Europe is still developing. This perspective summarizes the evidence ... -
Garantia del dret a l'alimentació a Barcelona: Grau d'implementació dels criteris del model col·laboratiu per garantir el dret a l'alimentació adequada a les iniciatives desenvolupades a la ciutat de Barcelona. Informe de resultats
Carrillo Álvarez, Elena; Gargallo Verdugo, Marta J. (2021-01)El document que presentem conté els resultats d’una recerca duta a terme per conèixer el grau d’implementació del "Model col·laboratiu de garantia del dret a una alimentació adequada a la ciutat de ... -
How can reference budgets contribute to the construction of social indicators to assess the adequacy of minimum income and the affordability of necessary goods and services?
Storms, Bérénice; Cornelis, Ilse; Delanghe, Heleen; Frederickx, Marieke; Penne, Tess; Bernát, Anikó; Mäkinen, Lauri; Szivos, Péter; Carrillo Álvarez, Elena; Cussó Parcerisas, Irene; Muñoz-Martínez, Júlia (2023-02)In this working paper we argue that the EU needs a new, additional indicator to implement and monitor the right to an adequate minimum income, as stipulated in principle 14 of the European Pillar of ... -
Impact of health and social factors on the cardiometabolic risk in people with food insecurity: a systematic review
Salinas-Roca, Blanca; Rubió-Piqué, Laura; Carrillo Álvarez, Elena; Franco-Alcaine, Gemma (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19(21): 14447, 2022-11)Food plays a key role in people’s health and quality of life. Inadequate eating habits or a deficient diet can lead to the development of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The present review aims to ... -
Inappropriate patient sexual behavior in physiotherapy: A systematic review
Amanulla, Safiya; Saju, Irin; Solé, Sílvia; Campoy, Carme; Martínez, Laura; Pérez Yus, María Cruz; Sitjà i Rabert, Mercè; Serrat, Mayte; Bravo, Cristina (Sustainability, 2021, 13(24): 13876, 2021-12)A behavior which is increasing in prevalence is sexual harassment initiated by a client and displayed towards the healthcare professionals and students of these healthcare-related professions. This is ... -
Lack of pragmatic attitude of self-labelled pragmatic trials on manual therapy: a methodological review
Roura Carvajal, Sonia; Alvarez Bustins, Gerard; Hohenschurz-Schmidt, D.; Solà, Ivan; Núñez-Cortés, Rodrigo; Bracchiglione, J.; Fernández-Jané, Carles; Phalip, J.; Gich Saladich, Ignasi; Sitjà i Rabert, Mercè; Urrútia, Gerard (BMC Medical Research Methodology, 2024, 24: 273, 2024-11)Background Pragmatic randomized controlled trials are getting more interest to improve trials’ external validity. This study aimed to assess how pragmatic the design of the self-labelled pragmatic ... -
Obesity in pregnancy as a risk factor in maternal and child health: A retrospective cohort study
Orós, Miriam; Lorenzo, Marta; Serna, María Catalina; Siscart, Júlia; Perejón, Daniel; Salinas-Roca, Blanca (Metabolites, 2024, 14, 56, 2024-01)The prevalence of overweight and obesity has risen dramatically in the last few years. This has led to an increase in both conditions in pregnant women. Obesity and overweight are associated with ...