Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Collaborative and innovative climates in pre-service teacher programs: The role of social capital 

      Civís, Mireia; Díaz-Gibson, Jordi; López, Susana; Moolenaar, Nienke (International Journal of Educational Research, 2019, Vol. 98, 2019-09)
      While the value of social capital for teaching seems paramount, a crucial question is how to shape the necessary learning climate that allows beginning pre-service teachers to build and access such ...
    • School head teachers' views of the drive towards educational innovation in Catalonia 

      Díaz-Gibson, Jordi; Civís, Mireia; Fontanet Caparrós, Annabel; López, Susana; Prats Fernández, Miquel Angel (Cultura y educación, Vol. 31, 2019, p. 640-670, 2019-08)
      Today, educational change and innovation are a clear priority in educational centres across the world. This article analyses the strengths and opportunities presented by the process of educational ...