Browsing by Author "Santos Silva, Miguel F."
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
La comunicación publicitaria para televisión de las energéticas españolas en el periodo 2004-2018
Rodríguez Rodríguez, Sergio; Beriain Bañares, Ana; Santos Silva, Miguel F. (Verónica Altamirano Benítez, Pedro Pablo Marín Dueñas, Alberto Dafonte Gómez, (coord.). Nuevos paradigmas comunicativos, 2019)La publicidad en televisión ha evolucionado en el transcurso de los últimos años. Este hecho no solo se debe a la aparición de nuevos medios publicitarios, sino también como respuesta a los cambios ... -
Green but ignored? The irrelevance of television advertisements on energy sustainability in Spain and its impact on consumer perceptions
Beriain Bañares, Ana; Santos Silva, Miguel F.; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Sergio (Energy Research & Social Science, 73, 101835, 2021, 2021)Driven by a growing concern by governments and citizens for the sustainability of our planet, companies have begun to include concepts associated with the protection of the environment in their marketing ... -
Improper Distance: The Refugee Crisis Presented by Two Newsrooms
Santos Silva, Miguel F.; Brurås, Svein; Beriain Bañares, Ana (Journal of Refugee Studies, vol. 31, núm. 4, 2018, 2018-01-02)This article examines how the two major newspapers in Spain and Norway between October 2015 and March 2016 covered the refugee crisis in Europe. Based on a quantitative and comparative content analysis ... -
Islamic State in the Spanish Daily Press: Framing Analysis of ‘El Periódico’ and ‘El País’
Santos Silva, Miguel F.; Beriain Bañares, Ana; Setó Pinto, Carles (Trípodos, núm. 40, 2017, 2017)This study examines the journalistic production related to Islamic State (ISIS) by two daily Spanish newspapers, El Periódico and El País. Through a quantitative content analysis, this study analyzes ... -
La lucha contra la infodemia: análisis del procedimiento de actuación contra la desinformación
Garrós Font, Imma; Santos Silva, Miguel F. (Actualidad administrativa, núm. 4, 2021, 2021)El presente artículo tiene como finalidad analizar el Procedimiento de actuación contra la desinformación, aprobado el pasado 6 de octubre por el Consejo de Seguridad Nacional (CSN) y publicado en el ... -
Monitoring media pluralism in the digital era. Application of the media pluralism monitor in the European Union, Albania, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia & Turkey in the year 2022. Country report: Spain
Suau Martínez, Jaume; Capilla, Pablo; Puertas-Graell, David; Santos Silva, Miguel F.; Yeste Piquer, Elena; Sintes-Olivella, Marçal; Cordero-Triay, Lídia; Valsells, Roger (2023) -
Postnormal Trust: The Case of the Media
Serra del Pino, Jordi; Santos Silva, Miguel F. (World Futures, maig 2024, 2024-05-16)This article is the first installment of a two-part paper aimed at assessing whether the theory of postnormal times provides an appropriate framework for examining the evolution of public trust in the ... -
The ethics of photojournalism in the digital age
Santos Silva, Miguel F.; Eldridge, Scott A. (2020)Delving into the complexities of contempora1y reportage, this book draws from moral philosophy and histories of photojournalism to understand the emergence of this distinct practice and discuss its ...