Browsing by Author "Massó i Ortigosa, Núria"
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Analysis of the centre of pressure in bipedal stance among individuals with and without intellectual disabilities, individuals with Down syndrome and dancers with Down syndrome
Massó i Ortigosa, Núria; Rey Abella, Ferran; Gutiérrez-Vilahú, Lourdes; Milà, Raimon; Guerra Balic, Míriam; Oviedo, Guillermo R. (Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 2024-02)Background : Individuals with intellectual disabilities (IDs) often present deficiencies in motor, balance and postural control. On the other hand, the practice of physical activity and dance usually ... -
Analysis of the centre of pressure in bipedal stance among individuals with and without intellectual disabilities, individuals with Down syndrome and dancers with Down syndrome
Massó i Ortigosa, Núria; Rey Abella, Ferran; Gutiérrez-Vilahú, Lourdes; Milà, Raimon; Guerra Balic, Míriam; Oviedo, Guillermo R. (Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 2024, 13 febrer, 2024-02)Background Individuals with intellectual disabilities (IDs) often present deficiencies in motor, balance and postural control. On the other hand, the practice of physical activity and dance usually ... -
Análisis cinesiológico de un gesto habitual en enfermería: comparación con un gesto alternativo
Massó i Ortigosa, Núria; Rey Abella, Ferran; Germán Romero, Ana; Guitart, Sílvia; Sánchez, Pau (Archivos de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales, vol. 5, núm. 3. p. 83-101, 2002-09)Estudiar cinemática y cinéticamente un gesto habitual en el personal de enfermería y auxiliar de un centro sociosanitario, para identificar riesgos de lesión lumbar. Estudiar cinemática y cinéticamente ... -
El dibuix de la figura humana com a llenguatge expressiu
Pérez Testor, Susana; Guerra Balic, Míriam; Massó i Ortigosa, Núria (Aloma, 2007, Núm. 21, 2007)El dibuix de la fi gura humana utilitzat com a llenguatge expressiu es pot contemplar a diferents exposicions artístiques com a font d’informació històrica on es relacionen les vivències personals amb ... -
El dibuix de la figura humana com a llenguatge expressiu
Pérez Testor, Susana; Guerra Balic, Míriam; Massó i Ortigosa, Núria (Aloma, 2007, Núm. 21, 2007)El dibuix de la fi gura humana utilitzat com a llenguatge expressiu es pot contemplar a diferents exposicions artístiques com a font d’informació històrica on es relacionen les vivències personals amb ... -
Electromyografic study of the arms in competitive karting senior category drivers
Delmuns, Salvi; Fernández-Prieto, Isabel; Vidal García, Eulàlia; Milà, Raimon; Rey Abella, Ferran; González-Crespo, C.; Massó i Ortigosa, Núria; Giné-Garriga, Maria (Revista internacional de medicina y ciencias de la actividad física y del deporte, 2023, 23(93), 2023-12)The main goal of this cross-sectional study was to assess the muscular activity of the upper limbs in competitive kart drivers while driving in a closed karting circuit, using surface electromyography ... -
Electromyographic analysis of ankle muscles in young adults with Down syndrome before and after the implementation of a physical activity programme based on dance
Massó i Ortigosa, Núria; Gutiérrez-Vilahú, Lourdes; Costa Tutusaus, Lluís; Oviedo, Guillermo R.; Rey Abella, Ferran (Apunts: medicina de l'esport, 2018, 53(198): 63-73, 2018-06)Introduction People with Down syndrome have difficulties in postural control and exhibit differences in the displacement of their centre of pressure and in muscle activity compared with the general ... -
Estudio electromiográfico de los patrones musculares durante el canto
Torres, Begoña; Massó i Ortigosa, Núria; Rey Abella, Ferran; Germán Romero, Ana; Gimeno, Ferran; Gimeno-Aragón, Elisabet (Nicolás Alessandroni, Begoña Torres Gallardo y Camila Beltramone (Eds.). Vocalidades: la voz humana desde la interdisciplina, 2019-05)La voz es una acción compleja de nuestro cuerpo, del mismo modo que reali-zamos acciones como caminar o asir objetos con la mano. Nuestra voz, tanto cantada como hablada, se produce gracias a la acción ... -
Feasibility of the assessment of the H-reflex in adult dancers and non-dancers with and without Down Syndrome: a pilot study
Massó i Ortigosa, Núria; Rey Abella, Ferran; Guerra Balic, Miriam; Milà, Raimon; Oviedo, Guillermo R. (Journal of developmental and physical disabilities, 2020, 32: 839-854, 2019-12)The analysis of monosynaptic Hoffman’s reflex (H-reflex) involves recording the response to electrical stimulation of Ia-afferent fibers from the muscle spindle. The H-reflex can be used as a probe ... -
Hip range of motion and strength in young pre-professionals ballet dancers versus non-dancers
Eleftheraki, Anna; Oviedo, Guillermo R.; Massó i Ortigosa, Núria (Journal of dance medicine and science, 2024, Sep 14:1089313X241281642, 2024-09)Introduction: Lower-extremity external rotation, commonly known as turnout, is a fundamental skill in dance. Limited data exist regarding joint range of motion and strength in pre-professional young ... -
Intellectual disability, exercise and aging: the IDEA study: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Oviedo, Guillermo R.; Javierre Garcés, Casimiro F.; Font-Farré, Manel; Tamulevicius, Nauris; Carbó-Carreté, Maria; Figueroa, Arturo; Pérez Testor, Susana; Cabedo Sanromà, Josep; Moss, Sarah J.; Massó i Ortigosa, Núria; Guerra Balic, Míriam (BMC Public Health, 2020, 20, 1266, 2020-08-20)Background People with intellectual disabilities (ID) have low levels of physical activity (PA) together with accelerated aging profiles. Adherence to PA interventions for persons with ID is low based ... -
Observational study with the objective of determining possible correlations between GRF and muscle activation at reception after a jump in an ACL injury
Badiola-Zabala, Alesander; Massó i Ortigosa, Núria; Cabedo Sanromà, Josep; Rey Abella, Ferran; Milà, Raimon; Oviedo, Guillermo R. (Apunts Sports Medicine, Vol. 55, Núm. 206, Abr.-Juny 2020, pp. 63-70, 2020-04)Introduction The ACL injury is considered one of the most serious injuries and usually occurs in actions that include movements with changes of direction, jump and landing. It is a common injury between ... -
El Pie en la danza clásica
Massó i Ortigosa, Núria (Revista del Centro de Investigación Flamenco Telethusa, 2010, vol. 3, núm. 3, p. 20-25, 2010-05)La danza es una forma de lenguaje que utiliza como instrumento al propio cuerpo, y su práctica continuada genera cambios y adaptaciones debidas a las altas exigencias de esta actividad. En este artículo ...