Browsing by Author "Fernandez Garcia, Javier"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Design of tropinium-functionalized anion exchange membranes for acid recovery via diffusion dialysis process
Khan, Muhammad Imran; Shanableh, Abdallah; Manzoor, Suryyia; Fernandez Garcia, Javier; Osman, Sameh M.; Luque, Rafael Geraldo (Environmental Research, 2023-07-15)Diffusion dialysis (DD) process utilizing anion exchange membranes (AEMs) is an environmentally-friendly and energy-efficient technology. From acidic wastewater, DD is needed for acid recovery. This ... -
Multipollutant Abatement through Visible Photocatalytic System
Manzoor, Suryyia; Fernandez Garcia, Javier; Shah, Kausar Hussain; Khan, Muhammad Imran; Abbas, Naseem; Raza, Hina; Mubarik, Shamroza; Hayat, Muhamad; Iram, Alveena; Yar, Ahmed; Shanableh, Abdallah (Catalysts 2023, 13(1), 65, 2023-01)Water pollution damages the aquatic environment due to the presence of organic contaminants, which in turn is distressing to the ecosystem. Photocatalytic activity is a greener and promising method to ... -
Parameter screening of a VPSA cycle with automated breakthrough control for carbon capture
Gutierrez Ortega, Angel Eduardo; Melis, A.; Nomen i Ribé, Rosa; Sempere Cebrián, Julià; Fernandez Garcia, Javier; Pou Ibar, Josep Oriol, 1980-; González Olmos, Rafael (Fuel, 2023-05-01)Vacuum pressure swing adsorption (VPSA) is an efficient technology that can be used for carbon capture from combustion stationary sources. However, VPSA is a cyclic and complex process that involves ... -
Process design for the recovery of waste refrigerants using deep eutectic solvents
Codera, Victoria; Clijnk, D.; Pou Ibar, Josep Oriol, 1980-; Fernandez Garcia, Javier; Llovell Ferret, Félix Lluís; González Olmos, Rafael (Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023-06-01)The environmental impact on climate change of fluorinated gases (F-gases), used mainly in refrigeration applications, is boosting the search of new recovery processes that would allow their reuse in a ... -
Removal of chromium (VI) by commercial anion exchange membrane BII from an aqueous solution: Adsorption kinetic, equilibrium and thermodynamic studies
Arif, Sadaf; Zafar, Shagufta; Khan, Muhammad Imran; Manzoor, Suryyia; Shanableh, Abdallah; Fernandez Garcia, Javier; Hayat, Muhammad (Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2023-06-01)This work reports chromium (Cr(VI)) adsorption from an aqueous solution onto anion exchange membrane (AEM) BII. The Cr(VI) percentage adsorption was increased from 71 to 82 %, 70 to 92 % and 72 to 86 % ... -
SPEEK and SPPO Blended Membranes for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
Khan, Muhammad Imran; Shanableh, Abdallah; Shahida, Shabnam; Lashari, Mushtaq Hussain; Manzoor, Suryyia; Fernandez Garcia, Javier (Membranes 2022, 12(3), 263, 2022-03)In fuel cell applications, the proton exchange membrane (PEM) is the major component where the balance among dimensional stability, proton conductivity, and durability is a long-term trail. In this ... -
Sustainability Assessment of the Utilization of CO2 in a Dielectric Barrier Discharge Reactor Powered by Photovoltaic Energy
Pou Ibar, Josep Oriol, 1980-; Estopañán, Eduard; Fernandez Garcia, Javier; González Olmos, Rafael (Processes 2022, 10(9), 1851, 2022-09)The direct activation of diluted CO2 in argon was studied in a co-axial dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) reactor powered by photovoltaic energy. The influence of the initial CO2 and argon concentration ...