Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Advances in Antenna Technology for Wireless Handheld Devices 

      Anguera Pros, Jaume; Andújar Linares, Aurora; Huynh, Minh-Chau; Orlenius, Charlie; Picher, Cristina; Puente Baliarda, Carles (International Journal of Antennas and Propagation. 2013, 2013-01)
      The constant evolution of wireless handheld devices together with the apparition of multiple wireless communication systemsfosters the antenna community to design new radiating and measurements systems ...
    • Análisis y Diseño de Monopolos Acoplados para Dispositivos Móviles Multibanda 

      Risco, Sergi; Anguera Pros, Jaume; Adújar, Aurora; Pérez Jiménez, Antonio; Puente Baliarda, Carles (Actas del XXIII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, 2008-09)
      A novel low profile planar antenna is proposed. The antenna presented is a coupled monopole antenna, comprising at least a driven element coupled with one or more parasitic elements. The design proposed ...
    • Antenna-Less Wireless: A Marriage Between Antenna and Microwave Engineering 

      Anguera, Jaume; Andújar, Aurora; Puente, C. (Microwave Journal, vol. 60, núm. 10, 2017-10-12)
      For many decades, antenna and microwave engineering have been adjacent yet fairly separate disciplines. Both have experienced such a high degree of specialization and sophistication that experts in one ...
    • Aproximación a la teoría de antenas mediante un libro electrónico interactivo 

      Subías, Carlos; Anguera Pros, Jaume; Vicent Safont, Lluís (2004-09)
      El presente artículo muestra una herramienta docente para el soporte en la asignatura de teoría de antenas tanto para formato presencial como semipresencial. La herramienta consiste en un libro ...
    • Diseño de antenas multibanda para telefonía móvil mediante la manipulación del plano de masa 

      Picher, Cristina; Anguera Pros, Jaume; Cabedo Ruiz, Arnau; Ribó i Pal, Miquel; Pijoan Vidal, Joan Lluís; Puente, Carlos (2007-09)
      The Ground Plane used in a handset device has a very important role in the behaviour of the antenna. This study consists on a Ground Plane modification in order to enhance bandwidth and design a ...
    • Nonuniform Overlapping Method in Designing Microstrip Patch Antennas Using Genetic Algorithm Optimization 

      Jayasinghe, Jeevani; Anguera Pros, Jaume; Uduwawala, Disala; Andújar Linares, Aurora (International Journal of Antennas and Propagation. 2015, 2015-01)
      Genetic algorithm (GA) has been a popular optimization technique used for performance improvement of microstrip patch antennas (MPAs).When using GA, the patch geometry is optimized by dividing the patch ...