Browsing by Author "Colominas Guàrdia, Carles"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Characterization of duplex coating system (HVOF + PVD) on light alloy substrates
Colominas Guàrdia, Carles; Picas Barrachina, Josep Anton; Menargues Muñoz, Sergi; Martín Fuentes, E. (Enric); Baile Puig, Maite (Surface and Coatings Technology. Vol.318 (2017), p.326-331, 2017-05)Light metals such as aluminium or magnesium alloys play an important role in many different industrial applications. However, aluminium and especially magnesium alloys show relatively poor resistance ... -
Femtosecond Laser Texturization on Coated Steel
Baldi Boleda, Tomàs; Colominas Guàrdia, Carles; García Granada, Andrés-Amador (Coatings 2022, 12(10), 1602, 2022)Surface textures such as laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) are of great interest to obtain industrial nanopatterns. In this work, plain uncoated 1.2344 steel with and without Chromium ... -
Heteroacoplamientos catalizados por paladio
Teixidó i Closa, Jordi; Sánchez García, David; Borrós i Gómez, Salvador; Nonell, Santi; Borrell Bilbao, José Ignacio; Colominas Guàrdia, Carles (Afinidad. Vol.59, n.500 (2002), p.325-336, 2002)Durante los diez últimos años la química del paladio se ha aplicado intensamente en síntesis orgánica debido a su versatilidad y a su gran selectividad. En esta breve revisión se muestran las características ... -
Influence of the carbon incorporation on the mechanical properties of TiB2 thin films prepared by HiPIMS
Sala, N.; Abad, Manuel David; Sánchez-López, J.C.; Crugeira, F.; Ramos-Masana, A.; Colominas Guàrdia, Carles (International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. Vol.107 (2022), 105884, 2022-09)Nanostructured TiB2 and TiBC thin films with carbon contents up to 11 at. % were prepared by physical vapor deposition using high power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) technology. The influence ... -
Nb–C thin films prepared by DC-MS and HiPIMS: Synthesis, structure, and tribomechanical properties
Sala, N.; Abad, Manuel David; Sánchez-López, J.C.; Caro, J.; Colominas Guàrdia, Carles (Surface and Coatings Technology. Vol.422 (2021), 127569, 2021-09-25)Nanostructured Nb-C thin films were prepared by direct current magnetron sputtering (DC-MS) and high-power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS). The films were characterized in depth by X-ray diffraction ... -
Simulation Approach for Hydrophobicity Replication via Injection Molding
Baldi Boleda, Tomàs; Sadeghi, Ehsan; Colominas Guàrdia, Carles; García Granada, Andrés-Amador (Polymers, 2021-06-23)Nanopattern replication of complex structures by plastic injection is a challenge that requires simulations to define the right processing parameters. Previous work managed to simulate replication for ... -
Síntesis y aplicación de homocompuestos de TiO2 a la eliminación de contaminantes
Colominas Guàrdia, Carles; Costa, Miquel (Afinidad. Vol.68, n.554 (2011), p.259-262, 2011-07)Existen ciertos problemas de ingeniería para la uso generalizado de reacciones fotocatalíticas. La utilización de catalizadores en forma de partículas es el mayor causante de opacidad en el medio y ... -
Spatial Control of Neuronal Adhesion on Diamond-Like Carbon
Dugan, James Michael; Colominas Guàrdia, Carles; García Granada, Andrés-Amador; Claeyssens, Frederik (Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2021-11-22)This study reports a route to spatial control of neuronal adhesion onto Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) by surface functionalisation by poly (oligo-ethyleneglycol methacrylate) (pOEGMA) and consequent laser ... -
THz‐conductivity of CVD graphene on different substrates
Colominas Guàrdia, Carles; Sempere Nomen, Bernat; Gabriel Cortés, Daniel; Ferrer Anglada, Núria (Physica Status Solidi (B). Vol. 252, no.11 (2015), p.2423-2428, 2015-11)Optoelectronic properties of CVD graphene are characterized over a wide frequency range: THz, IR, visible, and near‐UV. We used Raman spectroscopy to characterize the synthesized graphene films. All ...