Browsing by Author "Grup de recerca Global Health, Gender and Society - GHenderS"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Experiences of Spanish nurses in the rollout of nurse prescribing: a qualitative study
Canet Vélez, Olga; Jodar i Solà, Glòria; Martín-Royo, Jaume; Mateo, Enric; Casañas, Rocio; Galbany-Estragués, Paola (Frontiers in Public Health, 2023, 11:1163492, 2023-05)Introduction: Nurse prescribing has legal recognition in Spain, after a long regulatory process, with confusing, changing legislation that does not fully coincide with the reality of nurses' practice. ... -
First alongside midwifery led unit in a high complexity public hospital in Spain: maternal and neonatal outcomes
Alcaraz-Vidal, Lucia; Velasco, Inés; Pascual, Montse; Gol i Gómez, Roser; Escuriet Peiró, Ramon; Comas, Carmina (Women and Birth, 2024, 37(3): 101577, 2024-01)Problem Midwifery led units are rare in Spain. Background Midwife-Led Care (MLC) is a widely extended model of care and, within this, the alongside midwifery-led units (AMLU) are those hospital-based ... -
Guía de criterios de admisión en una unidad liderada por matronas (ULM): guía de práctica clínica
Escuriet Peiró, Ramon; Martín-Arribas, Anna; Fernández Cuesta, Ana Isabel; Palau, Roser; Segura Lechuga, Maria (2021-01)Aquest document és la traducció de la Guia de criteris d'ingrés en una unitat de risc baix de la Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) d'Irlanda del Nord. RQIA és l'organisme responsable ... -
La atención al parto normal en unidades lideradas por matronas en Irlanda del Norte: Guía para las mujeres y sus familias
Escuriet Peiró, Ramon; Martín-Arribas, Anna; Palau, Roser; Segura Lechuga, Maria; Fernández Cuesta, Ana Isabel (2021-01)Aquest document és la traducció de la Guia d'atenció al part normal de la Regulation and Qualit Improvement Authority (RQIA) d'Irlanda del Nord. RQIA és l'organisme responsable de monitoritzar i ... -
Planificación del parto en una unidad liderada por matronas (ULM)
Escuriet Peiró, Ramon; Martín-Arribas, Anna; Fernández Cuesta, Ana Isabel; Palau, Roser; Segura Lechuga, Maria (2021-01)Aquest document és la traducció de la Guia per a usuàries sobre l'atenció al part normal i els criteris d'ingrés en una unitat de risc baix de la Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) ... -
Service learning in the nursing bachelor thesis: a mixed-methods study
Roca Llobet, Judith; Gros Navés, Silvia; Canet Vélez, Olga; Torralbas Ortega, Jordi; Tort Nasarre, Glòria; Postic, Tijana; Martínez, Laura (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19:12387, 2022-09)The Final Degree Project (FDP) is a module that, although intended for the completion of a bachelor thesis (BT), consists of theoretical and clinical teaching. Therefore, introducing service learning ... -
The Effect of writing a bachelor thesis on attitudes towards nursing research and development: a cross-sectional comparative study between students and professionals
Gros Navés, Silvia; Contreras-Higuera, Williams E.; Canet Vélez, Olga; Torralbas Ortega, Jordi; Taló, Mercé; Roca Llobet, Judith (Nurse Education Today, 2022, 118: 105532, 2022-08)Research is essential to practice nursing and must be duly enhanced during university training. Therefore, writing a bachelor thesis may help to develop research skills and thus transfer this skill set ...