Browsing by Author "Morral Fernández, Antoni"
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Morral Fernández, Antoni; Bou, T.; Cabot Hernández, Antoni; Capitán Camañes, Anna; Díaz, J.; Fatjó, Josep; Macaya Pascual, Josep Lluís; Montmany i Cabús, Anna; Romero, Daniel (Revista de fisioterapia, 2002, núm. 1, p. 26-32, 2002-06)Desde el Área de Fundamentos de Fisioterapia y con el objetivo de mejorar nuestra calidad docente, iniciamos durante el curso 1999-2000 un conjunto de actividades alrededor de una metodología docente ... -
Clinical use of percutaneous needle electrolysis in musculoskeletal injuries: a critical and systematic review of the literature
Martínez Silván, Daniel; Santomé Martinez, Francisco; Champón-Chekroun, Angélica María; Velázquez Saornil, Jorge; Gómez-Merino, Sergio; Cos-Morera, Miquel Angel; Morral Fernández, Antoni; Mascaró-Vilella, Alfons; Ricis-Guerra, Manuel; García-Bol, Fernando; Posada-Franco, Víctor; Sebastiá, Vicente; Cano-Herrera, Carlos; Ramírez-Parenteau, Christophe (Apunts: medicina de l'esport, 2022, 57(216): 100396, 2022-10)Objective To review the current scientific evidence for the clinical use of percutaneous needle electrolysis (PNE) in musculoskeletal conditions. Methods A systematic electronic search was performed ... -
Efficacy of radial extracorporeal shock wave therapy compared with botulinum toxin type A injection in treatment of lower extremity spasticity in subjects with cerebral palsy: A randomized, controlled, cross-over study
Vidal, Xavier; Martí i Fàbregas, Joan; Canet Vélez, Olga; Roqué, Marta; Morral Fernández, Antoni; Tur, Miriam; Schmitz, Christoph; Sitjà i Rabert, Mercè (Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2020, vol. 52, núm. 6, 2020-06)Objectives: To investigate whether botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A) injection is more effective than radial extracorporeal shock wave therapy in reducing plantar flexor muscle spasticity in subjects with ... -
Neuroreflexotherapy for non-specific low-back pain (Review)
Urrútia, Gerard; Burton, A. Kim; Morral Fernández, Antoni; Bonfill, X. (Xavier); Zanoli, Gustavo (Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2004, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD003009, 2004-04)Background Among the wide range oftherapeutic alternatives proposed forthe management of low-back pain (LBP), a less widely used technique from Spain, called neuroreflexotherapy (NRT) has claimed to ... -
Radial extracorporeal shock wave device appearance does not influence clinical outcomes: a randomized controlled trial
Morral Fernández, Antoni; Urrútia, Gerard; Gich Saladich, Ignasi; Ruiz, Reme; Bonfill, X. (Xavier) (Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2019, vol. 51, núm. 3, p. 201-208, 2019)Objective: To determine whether the appearance of a radial extracorporeal shock wave device affects clinical outcomes in chronic plantar fasciitis. Study design: Randomized controlled parallel ... -
The Clinical benefits of a dynamic vs. static component as part of a comprehensive warm-up for recreational sports players with clinical histories of hamstring injuries: a randomized clinical trial
Gutierrez-Coronado, Javier; López-Bueno, Laura; Cardero-Durán, MªAngeles; Albornoz-Cabello, Manuel; Toledo-Marhuenda, José Vicente; Hernández-Sánchez, Sergio; Dueñas, Lirios; Marques-Sule, Elena; Morral Fernández, Antoni; Espejo-Antúnez, Luis (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023, 20: 744, 2022-12)Background: Few previous studies have analyzed the effects of certain specific static and dynamic warm-up components on recreational sports players with a previous hamstring injury. Therefore, the aim ...