Browsing by Author "Nomen i Ribé, Rosa"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Application of the NPK Method in the Crystallization Kinetics of High-Density Polyethylene
Monzón, Frida; Rovira, María Dolores; Sempere Cebrián, Julià; Nomen i Ribé, Rosa (Afinidad. Journal of Chemical Engineering Theoretical and Applied Chemistry, 2024;81(601):25-31, 2024-02-01)The Non-Parametric Kinetics (NPK) method, developed in 1998, by Serra, R., Sempere, J. and Nomen, R. has been used by them and other research groups to analyze the thermal behavior of a physical or ... -
Una dinámica responsable: del desarrollo sostenible al reto de la sostenibilidad
Nomen i Ribé, Rosa (Razón y fe 2022, 285(1457), 2022)El presente artículo es una mirada desde la ciencia y la ingeniería a la re-flexión eclesial sobre la ecología integral. El estudio y análisis profundo realizado por el autor de la evolución de la ... -
Impact of low stocking densities shrimp farm effluents in water quality of a tropical coastal wetland
Nomen i Ribé, Rosa; Sempere Cebrián, Julià; Rovira, M.D.; de López, N.A. (Afinidad. Vol.77, n.589 (2020), p.53-62, 2020-03)The effects of shrimp aquaculture on the water quality of the Jiquilisco Bay (El Salvador) was evaluated for small-scale shrimp farming with low stocking densities (≤ 12 shrimps/m2). Two sites were ... -
Industria farmacéutica 4.0
Sempere Cebrián, Julià; Nomen i Ribé, Rosa (Pharmatech. N.42 (marzo-abril 2019), p.79-82, 2019-03)La implantación de las tecnologías de la industria 4.0 va a producir grandes cambios en la industria química y farmacéutica. Disponer de un modelo claro de lo qué es la industria 4.0 es clave para ... -
Un método para la simulación de columnas de adsorción
Menacho, Joaquín; Pou Ibar, Josep Oriol, 1980-; Serra i Hosta, Eduard; Nomen i Ribé, Rosa; Tomàs Morer, Xavier; Sempere Cebrián, Julià (Afinidad. Vol.68, n.552 (2011), p.86-94, 2011-03)Entre los procesos de separación en continuo para productos de alto valor añadido, se abre camino en los últimos años la utilización del “lecho móvil simulado” (Simulated Moving Bed). Para el diseño y ... -
Parameter screening of a VPSA cycle with automated breakthrough control for carbon capture
Gutierrez Ortega, Angel Eduardo; Melis, A.; Nomen i Ribé, Rosa; Sempere Cebrián, Julià; Fernandez Garcia, Javier; Pou Ibar, Josep Oriol, 1980-; González Olmos, Rafael (Fuel, 2023-05-01)Vacuum pressure swing adsorption (VPSA) is an efficient technology that can be used for carbon capture from combustion stationary sources. However, VPSA is a cyclic and complex process that involves ... -
The Retro-Aza-Michael Reaction: How Process Optimization Led to New Scientific Insights
Ravasio, B.; Carrión, F.; Nomen i Ribé, Rosa; Sempere Cebrián, Julià (Afinidad. Journal of Chemical Engineering Theoretical and Applied Chemistry, 2024;81(601):68-73, 2024)The synthesis of 2-(2-methylaminoethyl)pyridine from the reaction between 2-vinylpyridine and methylamine serves as a crucial exploration into the reversibility of the aza-Michael reaction. The results ... -
The Transition to Industry 4.0 in the Catalan Chemical Industry. Baseline 2020
Amaro Martínez, Francesc; Cheng, Qiang; Nomen i Ribé, Rosa; Sempere Cebrián, Julià (Afinidad. Journal of Chemical Engineering Theoretical and Applied Chemistry, 2024;81(601):74-81, 2024-01-22)The baseline for the state of implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies in the Catalan chemical industry in 2020 is established using the model proposed by the Industry 4.0 Commission of the Institution ...