Browsing by Author "Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
A Hybrid Method Oriented to Concatenative Text-to-Speech Synthesis
Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi; Alías Pujol, Francesc; Sanchís Bernabeu, Francisco Javier; Melenchón Maldonado, Javier (2003-09-01)In this paper we present a speech synthesis method for diphonebased text-to-speech systems. Its main goal is to achieve prosodic modifications that result in more natural-sounding synthetic speech. This ... -
Acoustic Description of the Soundscape of a Real-Life Intensive Farm and Its Impact on Animal Welfare: A Preliminary Analysis of Farm Sounds and Bird Vocalisations
Ginovart Panisello, Gerardo José; Alsina Pagès, Rosa Maria; Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi; Panisello Monjo, Tesa; Call Prat, Marcel (Sensors, 2020, Vol. 20 No 17, 2020-08)Poultry meat is the world’s primary source of animal protein due to low cost and is widelyeaten at a global level. However, intensive production is required to supply the demand although itgenerates ... -
Adaptación del CTH-URL para la competición Albayzin 2008
Monzo Sánchez, Carlos; Formiga Fanals, Lluís; Adell, Jordi; Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi; Alías Pujol, Francesc; Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi (2008-11)En esta comunicación describimos el sistema de síntesis de voz presentado a la competición Albayzin 2008. Es un sistema que sigue un esquema clásico de concatenación de unidades basado en corpus. Cabe ... -
Aplicació de tècniques de generació automàtica de la parla en producció audiovisual
Alías Pujol, Francesc; Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi; Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi (Quaderns del CAC 37, 2011. Vol. 14, 2 (Desembre), 2011-12)En aquest article es presenta un resum del treball de recerca que porta el mateix títol, realitzat gràcies a l’ajut concedit pel CAC en la VII convocatòria d’Ajuts a projectes de recerca sobre ... -
Asignación automática de marcas de pitch basada en programación dinámica
Alías Pujol, Francesc; Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi (Procesamiento del lenguaje natural, No. 27 (2001), 2001)En este artículo se presenta la implementación y evaluación de un sistema de generación automática de marcas de pitch, para el etiquetado de un corpus de voz. El sistema está basado en dos conceptos: ... -
Comparative Study on Feature Selection and Fusion Schemes for Emotion Recognition from Speech
Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi; Planet García, Santiago (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 2012, Vol. 1, No. 6 (Setembre), 2012-09)The automatic analysis of speech to detect affective states may improve the way users interact with electronic devices. However, the analysis only at the acoustic level could be not enough to determine ... -
Comparing Face-to-Face, Emergency Remote Teaching and Smart Classroom: A Qualitative Exploratory Research Based on Students’ Experience during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Petchamé Sabartés, Josep; Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi; Villegas Portero, Eva; Riu Vila, David; Fonseca Escudero, David (Sustainability, 2021, 13 (12), 2021-06)The COVID-19 pandemic significantly disrupted traditional face-to-face teaching world-wide and forced education institutions to adopt new, online teaching formats to enable students tocontinue with their ... -
La evolución de la Síntesis del Habla en Ingeniería La Salle
Alías Pujol, Francesc; Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi (2002-12-16)Este artículo resume la trayectoria del grupo de Tecnologías del Habla de Ingeniería La Salle (Universitat Ramon Llull) en el marco de la investigación y el desarrollo de sistemas de síntesis del habla. ... -
GTM-URL Contribution to the INTERSPEECH 2009 Emotion Challenge
Planet García, Santiago; Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi; Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi; Monzo Sánchez, Carlos; Adell, Jordi (2009-09)This paper describes our participation in the INTERSPEECH 2009 Emotion Challenge [1]. Starting from our previous experience in the use of automatic classification for the validation of an expressive ... -
Hacia una síntesis concatenativa de alta calidad para aplicaciones de conversión texto-habla
Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi; Martí Roca, Josep; Oliver Lafont, Jaume; Guaus Termens, Roger; Moure González, Helena (Procesamiento del lenguaje natural, No 25 (1999), 1999)Este artículo describe nuevas líneas de investigación referentes a la síntesis concatenativa para la conversión texto-habla. La técnica TD-PSOLA supuso un salto importante en cuanto a la mejora de la ... -
High quality Spanish restricted-domain TTSoriented to a weather forecast application
Alías Pujol, Francesc; Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi; Formiga Fanals, Lluís; Gonzalvo Fructuoso, Xavier; Monzo Sánchez, Carlos; Sevillano Domínguez, Xavier (2005-09-04)A restricted domain text-to-speech system oriented to a weatherforecast application is presented. This TTS system is embed-ded in a multimedia interactive service accessible from differ-ent media, such ... -
HMM-based Spanish speech synthesis using CBR as F0 estimator
Gonzalvo Fructuoso, Xavier; Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi; Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi; Alías Pujol, Francesc; Monzo Sánchez, Carlos (2007-05)Hidden Markov Models based text-to-speech (HMM-TTS) syn thesis is a technique for generating speech from trained statisti cal models where spectrum, pitch and durations of basic speech units are modelled ... -
Linguistic and Mixed Excitation Improvements on a HMM-based speech synthesis for Castilian Spanish
Gonzalvo Fructuoso, Xavier; Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi; Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi; Monzo Sánchez, Carlos; Martínez Marroquín, Elisa (Proceedings of the 6th ISCA Workshop on Speech Synthesis, 2007-08)HiddenMarkov Models based text-to-speech(HMM-TTS)synthesis is one of the techniques for generating speech from trained statistical models where spectrum and prosody of basic speech units are modelled ... -
Local minimum generation error criterion for hybrid HMM speech synthesis
Gonzalvo Fructuoso, Xavier; Gutkin, Alexander; Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi; Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi; Taylor, Paul (2009-09)This paper presents an HMM-driven hybrid speech synthesis approach in which unit selection concatenative synthesis is used to improve the quality of the statistical system using a Local Minimum Generation ... -
Un modelo híbrido orientado a la síntesis multimodal del habla
Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi; Alías Pujol, Francesc; Melenchón Maldonado, Javier (Procesamiento del lenguaje natural, No. 29 (2002), 2002)En este articulo se presenta un sistema de conversión texto-habla de alta calidad utilizando voz segmentada en difonemas y trifonemas. El sistema de síntesis implementado se basa en un modelo híbrido ... -
Multi-domain text classification for unit selectionText-to-Speech synthesis
Alías Pujol, Francesc; Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi; Barnola Augé, Pere (2003-08-03)This paper presents a new approach for designing aconcatenative text-to-speech (TTS) system based onmulti-domain unit selection. The method achievesgood synthetic quality with reasonable ... -
Multi-domain Text-to-Speech Synthesis by Automatic Text Classification
Alías Pujol, Francesc; Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi; Sevillano Domínguez, Xavier; Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi; Gonzalvo Fructuoso, Xavier (2006-09-17)This paper describes a multi-domain text-to-speech (MD-TTS)synthesis strategy for generating speech among different domainsand so increasing the flexibility of high quality TTS systems. Tothat ... -
Simultaneous and causal appearance learning and tracking
Melenchón Maldonado, Javier; Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi; Meler Corretjé, Lourdes (Electronic letters on computer vision and image analysis, Vol. 5, No 3 (2005), 2005-08)A novel way to learn and track simultaneously the appearance of a previously non-seen face without intrusive techniques can be found in this article. The presented approach has a causal behaviour: no ... -
Validation of an acoustical modelling of emotional expression in Spanish using speech synthesis techniques
Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi; Guaus Termens, Roger; Rodríguez, Angel; Lázaro, Patricia; Montoya, Norminanda; Blanco, Josep Maria; Bernadas, Dolors; Oliver, Josep Manel; Tena Parera, Daniel; Longhi, Ludovico (2000-09)This paper describes the methodology used for validating the results obtained in a study about acoustical modelling of emotional expression in Castilian Spanish. We have obtained a set of rules that ... -
Voice quality modelling for expressive speech synthesis
Monzo Sánchez, Carlos; Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi; Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi (The Scientific World Journal. 2014, 2014-01)This paper presents the perceptual experiments that were carried out in order to validate the methodology of transforming expressive speech styles using voice quality (VoQ) parameters modelling, along ...