Browsing by Author "Rodríguez Monforte, Míriam"
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Analysis of gender perspective in the use of NANDA-I nursing diagnoses: a systematic review
Rifà Ros, Rosa; Rodríguez Monforte, Míriam; Carrillo Álvarez, Elena; Barreto-Da Silva, Luana; Pallarès Martí, Àngela; Gasch Gallén, Ángel (Nursing Open, 2022, 10, 1305–1326, 2022-11)Aim To identify, describe and analyse the gender perspective in the use of the diagnoses contained in the NANDA-I taxonomy in observational studies published in the scientific literature. Design and ... -
Defining a competency framework for health and social professionals to promote healthy aging throughout the lifespan: an international Delphi study
Rodríguez Monforte, Míriam; Fernández-Jané, Carles; Bracha, Marietta; Bartoszewska, Adrianna; Kozakiewicz, Mariusz; Leclerc, Mariel; Nimani, Endrit; Soanvaara, Pauliina; Jarvinen, Sari; van Scherpenseel, Meike; van der Velde, Miriam; Alves Lopes, Antonio; Handgraaf, Marietta; Grüneberg, Christian; Carrillo Álvarez, Elena (Advances in Health Sciences Education, 2024, 2024-03)The promotion of healthy aging has become a priority in most parts of the world and should be promoted at all ages. However, the baseline training of health and social professionals is currently not ... -
Dietary patterns and CVD: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
Rodríguez Monforte, Míriam; Flores Mateo, Gemma; Sànchez i Ruiz, Emília (British Journal of Nutrition, vol. 114, núm. 9, 2015-09)Epidemiological studies show that diet is linked to the risk of developing CVD. The objective of this meta-analysis was to estimate the association between empirically derived dietary patterns and CVD. ... -
Effectiveness and safety of Stevia rebaudiana dried leaves as an adjuvant in the short-term treatment of type 2 diabetes: A randomized, controlled, cross-over and double-blinded trial
Pallarés, Àngela; Carrasco, Genís; Nava, Youssef; Pallarés, Oriol; Pérez Pérez, Isabel (Infermera); Rifà Ros, Rosa; Rodríguez Monforte, Míriam (Journal of medicinal plant and herbal Therapy Research, 2015, vol. 3, p. 16-26, 2015-06-10)Recent randomized controlled trials have demonstrated the utility of stevioside and related compounds, extracted and refined from stevia leaf plant, to improve blood glucose and blood pressure in patients ... -
Exploring the sensory screening experiences of nurses working in long-term care homes with residents who have dementia: a qualitative study
Höbler, Fiona; Argueta-Warden, Xochil; Rodríguez Monforte, Míriam; Escrig Pinol, Astrid; Wittich, Walter; McGilton, Katherine S. (BMC Geriatrics, 2018, vol. 18, núm. 235, 2018-10)Background: The prevalence of vision and hearing loss is higher amongst older individuals with dementia, as well as higher in long-term care settings than in the wider community. However, the incidence ... -
Future Housing Older People Project – HoOp_Focus : perspectiva dels usuaris
Rifà Ros, Rosa; Sitjà i Rabert, Mercè; Carrillo Álvarez, Elena; Reyes-Vizacarro, Marta; Vilaró, Jordi; Fornt-Baldrich, Anna; Rodríguez Monforte, Míriam (2024-03)Les persones grans constitueixen una proporció important de la població mundial i es preveu que en les properes dècades la tendència sigui creixent. En aquest sentit, un dels principals desafiaments amb ... -
Interventions across the retirement transition for improving well-being: A scoping review
Rodríguez Monforte, Míriam; Fernández-Jané, Carles; Martin Arribas, Anna; Costa-Tutusaus, Lluís; Sitjà i Rabert, Mercè; Ramírez García, Inés; Canet Vélez, Olga; Kopp, Jenna; Vilaró, Jordi; Carrillo Álvarez, Elena (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, vol. 17, núm. 12, 2020-06)Background: The work-to-retirement transition involves a process of psychologically and behaviorally distancing oneself from the workforce that is often accompanied by other social changes, which can ... -
Interventions across the retirement transition for improving well-being: a scoping review protocol
Rodríguez Monforte, Míriam; Fernández-Jané, Carles; Martin Arribas, Anna; Sitjà i Rabert, Mercè; Canet Vélez, Olga; Sanromà Ortiz, Montserrat; Vilaró, Jordi; Carrillo Álvarez, Elena (BMJ Open, 2019, 9:e030484, 2019-09)Introduction The work-to-retirement transition involves a process of psychologically and behaviourally distancing oneself from the workforce that is often accompanied by other social changes. The person ... -
Las influencias interpersonales en mujeres con incontinencia urinaria
Lamoglia Puig, Montserrat; Juvinyà Canal, Dolors; Pérez Pérez, Isabel (Infermera); Godall, Maria; Rifà Ros, Rosa; Rodríguez Monforte, Míriam; Pallarès Martí, Àngela (Matronas, 2016, vol. 17, núm. 1, p. 6-11, 2016-01)Objetivo: Describir las influencias interpersonales que presentan las mujeres con incontinencia urinaria (IU). Metodología: La perspectiva teórico-metodológica utilizada ha sido la cualitativa fenomenológica, ... -
Perspectiva de los estudiantes de enfermería sobre la transformación de la atención primaria durante la pandemia de la enfermedad coronavirus-19: estudio cualitativo mediante fotoelicitación
Berlanga-Fernandez, Sofia; Rifà Ros, Rosa; Villafáfila-Ferrero, Rosa; Rodríguez Monforte, Míriam (Educación médica, 2021, 22(4): 237-240, 2021-03)La atención primaria ha sufrido cambios derivados de la COVID-19. Las prácticas de los estudiantes de enfermería son un espacio para profundizar en los aspectos clave de la práctica diaria, así como ... -
Professional competences to promote healthy ageing across the lifespan: a scoping review
Carrillo Álvarez, Elena; Rodríguez Monforte, Míriam; Fernández-Jané, Carles; Solà-Madurell, Mireia; Kozakiewicz, Mariusz; Głowacka, Mariola; Leclère, Mariel; Nimani, Endrit; Hoxha, Adnan; Hirvonen, Armi; Järvinen, Sari; van der Velde, Miriam; van Scherpenseel, Meike; Alves Lopes, Antonio; Santos, Hugo; Guimarães, Isabel; Handgraaf, Marietta; Grüneberg, Christian (European Journal of Ageing, 2023, 20:45, 2023-11)As societies age, the development of resources and strategies that foster healthy ageing from the beginning of life become increasingly important. Social and healthcare professionals are key agents in ... -
Relación entre precisión diagnóstica y actitud frente a los diagnósticos de enfermería en estudiantes de grado
Rifà Ros, Rosa; Rodríguez Monforte, Míriam; Pérez Pérez, Isabel (Infermera); Lamoglia Puig, Montserrat; Costa-Tutusaus, Lluís (Educación médica, 2019, vol. 20, supl. 2, p. 33-38, 2019-09)Propósito Evaluar la precisión diagnóstica de los estudiantes de tercer curso del Grado en Enfermería y analizar su posible relación con la actitud hacia el diagnóstico de enfermería. Métodos Mediante ... -
The Association between social capital indicators and psychological distress in Catalan adolescents
Carrillo Álvarez, Elena; Andrés Valle, Ana; Riera Romaní, Jordi; Novak, Dario; Rodríguez Monforte, Míriam; Costa-Tutusaus, Lluís; Guerra Balic, Míriam (Frontiers in Psychology, 2022, 13:964689, 2022-08)According to the WHO, globally, one in seven adolescents experiences a mental disorder, being in a detrimental situation toward educational achievement, social cohesion, future health and life chances. ...