Browsing by Author "Amo Filvà, Daniel"
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
A Methodology to Study the University’s Online Teaching Activity from Virtual Platform Indicators: The Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Prat, Joana; Llorens, Ariadna; Salvador, Francesc; Alier, Marc; Amo Filvà, Daniel (Sustainability, 2021, 13 (9), 2021-05)The Covid-19 pandemic led Catalan universities to do all teaching and evaluation onlinefrom 11 March 2020 until the end of term on 30 July. Conventional universities made the transition toonline teaching ... -
A Privacy-Oriented Local Web Learning Analytics JavaScript Library with a Configurable Schema to Analyze Any Edtech Log: Moodle’s Case Study
Amo Filvà, Daniel; Cea Torrescassana, Sandra; Jiménez Burayag, Nicole Marie; Gómez Ponce, Pablo; Figlioli, Aline (Sustainability, 2021, 13 (9), 2021-05)Educational institutions are transferring analytics computing to the cloud to reduce costs.Any data transfer and storage outside institutions involve serious privacy concerns, such as studentidentity ... -
Analizando el proceso de aprendizaje de nuestros alumnos: un caso práctico
Amo Filvà, Daniel; Navarro Martín, Joan; Canaleta Llampallas, Xavier (2019-07)Actualmente la analítica del aprendizaje nos proporciona herramientas que nos permiten conocer con más detalle el proceso de aprendizaje de nuestros estudiantes y, gracias a ello, podemos realizar mejoras ... -
Connecting domain-specific features to source code: towards the automatization of dashboard generation
Vazquez Ingelmo, Andrea; García Peñalvo, Francisco José; Therón, Roberto; Amo Filvà, Daniel; Fonseca Escudero, David (Cluster Computing, 2020, Vol. 23, 2019-11-05)Dashboards are useful tools for generating knowledge and support decision-making processes, but the extended use of technologies and the increasingly available data asks for user-friendly tools that ... -
Educational warehouse: modular, private and secure cloudable architecture system for educational data storage, analysis and acces
Amo Filvà, Daniel; Gómez, Pablo; Hernández-Ibáñez, Luis A.; Figlioli, Aline (Applied sciences, 2021-01-16)Data in the educational context are becoming increasingly important in decision-making and teaching-learning processes. Similar to the industrial context, educational institutions are adopting data-processing ... -
Educational Warehouse: Modular, Private and Secure Cloudable Architecture System for Educational Data Storage, Analysis and Access
Amo Filvà, Daniel; Gómez Ponce, Pablo; Hernández Ibáñez; Fonseca Escudero, David (Applied Sciences, 2021, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2021-01)Data in the educational context are becoming increasingly important in decision-making and teaching-learning processes. Similar to the industrial context, educational institutions are adopting data-processing ... -
Evaluación de la importancia de la ética, privacidad y seguridad en los estudios de Learning Analytics, en el marco de las conferencias LAK
Amo Filvà, Daniel; Alier Forment, Marc; Fonseca Escudero, David; García-Peñalvo, Francisco José; Casañ Guerrero, María José; Navarro Martín, Joan (2019-10-09)Los orígenes del Learning Analytics son difusos y rodeados por un intenso debate sobre su definición. Este debate se sitúa en el ámbito académico y comunidad científica. Además, se pretende identificar ... -
Learning Analytics to Assess Students’ Behavior With Scratch Through Clickstream
Amo Filvà, Daniel; Alier Forment, Marc; Peñalvo García, Francisco J.; Fonseca Escudero, David; Casañ Guerrero, María José (2018-06)The construction of knowledge through computational practice requires to teachers a substantial amount of time and effort to evaluate programming skills, to understand and to glimpse the evolution of ... -
Local technology to enhance data privacy and security in educational technology
Amo Filvà, Daniel; Prinsloo, Paul; Alier, Marc; Figlioli, Aline; Torres Kompen, Ricardo; Canaleta, Xavi; HERRERO-MARTÍN, JAVIER (2021-11-23)In educational environments, technological adoption in the last 10 years has enabled a data-driven and decision-making paradigm in organizations. The integration of cloud services in schools and ... -
Mixed Analysis of the Flipped Classroom in the Concrete and Steel Structures Subject in the Context of COVID-19 Crisis Outbreak. A Pilot Study
Campanyà, Carles; Fonseca Escudero, David; Amo Filvà, Daniel; Martí Audí, Núria; Peña Camarillas, Enric (Sustainability, 2021, 13 (11), 2021-05)A sudden lockdown was declared on 14 March 2020 due to COVID-19 crisis, leading to animmediate change from face-to-face to online learning in all universities within Spanish jurisdiction.At La Salle ... -
Privacidad, seguridad y legalidad en soluciones educativas basadas en Blockchain: Una Revisión Sistemática de la Literatura
Amo Filvà, Daniel; Alier Forment, Marc; García-Peñalvo, Francisco José; Fonseca Escudero, David; Casañ Guerrero, María José (RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 2020, Vol. 23, No 2, 2020-03)La Analítica del Aprendizaje (proveniente del término en inglés Learning Analytics) procesa los datos de los estudiantes, incluso los estudiantes menores de edad. El ciclo analítico consiste ... -
Privacy and e-learning: a pending task
Alier, Marc ; Casañ Guerrero, María José; Amo Filvà, Daniel; Severance, Charles R.; Figlioli, Aline (Sustainability, 2021-08-13)Most educational software programs use and gather personal information and metadata from students. Additionally, most of the educational software programs are no longer operated by the learning institutions ... -
Protected Users: A Moodle Plugin To Improve Confidentiality and Privacy Support through User Aliases
Amo Filvà, Daniel; Alier Forment, Marc; García-Peñalvo, Francisco José; Fonseca Escudero, David; Casañ Guerrero, María José (Sustainability, 2020, Vol. 12, No 6, 2020-03)The privacy policies, terms, and conditions of use in any Learning Management System(LMS) are one-way contracts. The institution imposes clauses that the student can accept or decline.Students, once ... -
Systematic Review of How Engineering Schools around the World Are Deploying the 2030 Agenda
Romero, Susana; Alaéz, Marian; Amo Filvà, Daniel; Fonseca Escudero, David (Sustainability, 2020, Vol. 12, No 12, 2020-06)At the UN Summit in New York 2015 it was agreed that a sustainable development of theplanet is essential to strengthen universal peace in a broader capacity. On that basis, a call was madeto all nations ... -
Systematic Review on Which Analytics and Learning Methodologies Are Applied in Primary and Secondary Education in the Learning of Robotics Sensors
Amo Filvà, Daniel; Fox, Paul; Fonseca Escudero, David; Poyatos, César (Sensors, 2020, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2020-12)Robotics technology has become increasingly common both for businesses and for private citizens. Primary and secondary schools, as a mirror of societal evolution, have increasingly integrated science, ... -
Systematic review on which analytics and learning methodologies are applied in primary and secondary education in the learning of robotics sensors
Amo Filvà, Daniel; Fox, Paul; Figlioli, Aline; Poyatos, César (Sensors, 2020-12-29)Robotics technology has become increasingly common both for businesses and for private citizens. Primary and secondary schools, as a mirror of societal evolution, have increasingly integrated science, ... -
Towards closing STEAM diversity gaps: a grey review of existing initiatives
Hasti, Henry; Amo Filvà, Daniel; Figlioli, Aline; Verdugo-Castro, Sonia; García-Holgado, Alicia; GARCÍA-PEÑALVO, Francisco José (Applied sciences, 2022-12-10)Although STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) and student-centered instruction are growing rapidly in popularity, their reach is not adequately distributed across diversity groups ... -
Utilizando analítica del aprendizaje en una clase invertida: Experiencia de uso en la asignatura de Sistemas Digitales y Microprocesadores
Navarro Martín, Joan; Amo Filvà, Daniel; Vidaña Vila, Ester; Martínez Suquia, Carmen (2018-07)El modelo de clase invertida (o flipped classroom) permite al docente implementar actividades de aprendizaje activo en las sesiones presenciales dejando que el alumno trabaje los contenidos más teóricos ...