Browsing by Author "Casanovas Combalia, Xavier"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Four questions for techno-ethics
Quintana, Oriol; Menacho, Joaquin; Casanovas Combalia, Xavier; Puig Puig, Llorenç (Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 2023, 14, 2023)There are four basic techno-ethical questions that are often overseen in discussing the application of technologies. They are often taken for granted, for Modernity seemed to already have an answer for ... -
Karl Löwith i el natural transcendent: una proposta per fer front als perills de la fe en el progrés
Casanovas Combalia, Xavier (Compàs d'amalgama. 2024(9): 47-50, 2024-05-26)Segons el pensador alemany Karl Löwith, la fe en el progrés històric deriva de l’escatologia cristiana i la seva promesa de salvació. El progrés no ens diu res de cap a on ens encaminem com a humanitat ... -
Resonance: The Final Dissolution of Religions or the Last Stage of Secularization
Quintana, Oriol; Casanovas Combalia, Xavier (Religions 2023, 14(6), 689, 2023-06)Secularized societies allow for all kinds of expressions of human spirituality (or lack of it). However, both the established religions and the more fluid forms of spirituality seem to leave open a ...