Browsing by Author "Milà, Raimon"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
A socio-ecological approach to reduce the physical activity drop-out ratio in primary care-based patients with type 2 diabetes: the SENWI study protocol for a randomized control trial
Jabardo-Camprubí, Guillem; Bort-Roig, Judit; Donat Roca, Rafel; Milà, Raimon; Sitjà i Rabert, Mercè; McKenna, Jim; Puig-Ribera, Anna (Trials, 2022, 23, 842, 2022-10)Background Physical activity (PA) is a key behaviour for patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). However, healthcare professionals’ (HCP) recommendations (walking advice), which are short-term and ... -
Analysis of the centre of pressure in bipedal stance among individuals with and without intellectual disabilities, individuals with Down syndrome and dancers with Down syndrome
Massó i Ortigosa, Núria; Rey Abella, Ferran; Gutiérrez-Vilahú, Lourdes; Milà, Raimon; Guerra Balic, Míriam; Oviedo, Guillermo R. (Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 2024-02)Background : Individuals with intellectual disabilities (IDs) often present deficiencies in motor, balance and postural control. On the other hand, the practice of physical activity and dance usually ... -
Analysis of the centre of pressure in bipedal stance among individuals with and without intellectual disabilities, individuals with Down syndrome and dancers with Down syndrome
Massó i Ortigosa, Núria; Rey Abella, Ferran; Gutiérrez-Vilahú, Lourdes; Milà, Raimon; Guerra Balic, Míriam; Oviedo, Guillermo R. (Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 2024, 13 febrer, 2024-02)Background Individuals with intellectual disabilities (IDs) often present deficiencies in motor, balance and postural control. On the other hand, the practice of physical activity and dance usually ... -
Clinical impact of electronic monitoring devices of inhalers in adults with asthma or COPD: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Garin, Noe; Zarate-Tamames, Borja; Gras-Martin, Laura; Milà, Raimon; Crespo-Lessmann, Astrid; Curto, Elena; Hernández Hernández, Marta; Mestres Miralles, Concepción; Plaza Moral, Vicente (Pharmaceuticals, 2023, vol. 16, núm. 3, 414, 2023-03)We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to gain insight into the characteristics and clinical impact of electronic monitoring devices of inhalers (EMDs) and their clinical interventions in ... -
Effects of low-load blood flow restriction training in healthy adult tendons: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Bechan Vergara, Ilan; Puig-Diví, Albert; Amestoy Alonso, Beñat; Milà, Raimon (Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 2024, 39: 13-23, 2024-07)Objective To systematically review the effects of low-load blood flow restriction training (LL-BFR) on healthy adult tendons. Design A systematic review with meta-analysis. Literature search Six ... -
Electromyografic study of the arms in competitive karting senior category drivers
Delmuns, Salvi; Fernández-Prieto, Isabel; Vidal García, Eulàlia; Milà, Raimon; Rey Abella, Ferran; González-Crespo, C.; Massó i Ortigosa, Núria; Giné-Garriga, Maria (Revista internacional de medicina y ciencias de la actividad física y del deporte, 2023, 23(93), 2023-12)The main goal of this cross-sectional study was to assess the muscular activity of the upper limbs in competitive kart drivers while driving in a closed karting circuit, using surface electromyography ... -
Family-based intervention to prevent childhood obesity among school-age children of low socioeconomic status: study protocol of the FIVALIN project
Homs, Clara; Berruezo, P.; Según, G.; Estrada, L.; de Bont, Jeroen; Riera Romaní, Jordi; Carrillo Álvarez, Elena; Schröder, Helmut; Milà, Raimon; Gómez, S. F. (BMC Pediatrics, 2021, 21: 246, 2021-05)Background: Childhood obesity represents a global public health crisis: the number of obese children and adolescents (aged 5–19 years) worldwide has risen tenfold in the past four decades. The vast ... -
Feasibility of the assessment of the H-reflex in adult dancers and non-dancers with and without Down Syndrome: a pilot study
Massó i Ortigosa, Núria; Rey Abella, Ferran; Guerra Balic, Miriam; Milà, Raimon; Oviedo, Guillermo R. (Journal of developmental and physical disabilities, 2020, 32: 839-854, 2019-12)The analysis of monosynaptic Hoffman’s reflex (H-reflex) involves recording the response to electrical stimulation of Ia-afferent fibers from the muscle spindle. The H-reflex can be used as a probe ... -
Impact of a workplace "sit less, move more" program on efficiency-related outcomes of office employees
Puig-Ribera, Anna; Bort Roig, Judit; Giné-Garriga, Maria; González Suárez, Ángel Manuel; Martinez Lemos, Rodolfo Iván; Fortuño Godes, Jesús; Martori, Joan Carles; Muñoz Ortiz, Laura; Milà, Raimon; Gilson, Nicholas D.; McKenna, Jim (BMC Public Health, 2017, vol. 17, núm. 89, p. 455, 2017-05)Few studies have examined the impact of ‘sit less, move more’ interventions on workplace performance. This study assessed the short and mid-term impacts of and patterns of change within, a 19-week ... -
Impact of a workplace "sit less, move more" program on efficiency-related outcomes of office employees
Puig-Ribera, Anna; Bort Roig, Judit; Giné-Garriga, Maria; González Suárez, Ángel Manuel; Martinez Lemos, Rodolfo Iván; Fortuño Godes, Jesús; Martori, Joan; Muñoz Ortiz, Laura; Milà, Raimon; Gilson, Nicholas D.; McKenna, Jim (BMC Public Health, 2017, vol. 17, núm. 89, p. 455, 2017-05)Few studies have examined the impact of ‘sit less, move more’ interventions on workplace performance. This study assessed the short and mid-term impacts of and patterns of change within, a 19-week ... -
Observational study with the objective of determining possible correlations between GRF and muscle activation at reception after a jump in an ACL injury
Badiola-Zabala, Alesander; Massó i Ortigosa, Núria; Cabedo Sanromà, Josep; Rey Abella, Ferran; Milà, Raimon; Oviedo, Guillermo R. (Apunts Sports Medicine, Vol. 55, Núm. 206, Abr.-Juny 2020, pp. 63-70, 2020-04)Introduction The ACL injury is considered one of the most serious injuries and usually occurs in actions that include movements with changes of direction, jump and landing. It is a common injury between ... -
Patterns of Impact Resulting from a ‘Sit Less, Move More’ Web-Based Program in Sedentary Office Employees
Puig-Ribera, Anna; Bort-Roig, Judit; González-Suárez, Angel M.; Martínez-Lemos, Iván; Giné-Garriga, Maria; Fortuño, Josep; Martori, Joan C.; Muñoz-Ortiz, Laura; Milà, Raimon; McKenna, Jim; Gilson, Nicholas D. (Plos One, 2015, 2015-04)Encouraging office workers to ‘sit less and move more’ encompasses two public health priorities. However, there is little evidence on the effectiveness of workplace interventions for reducing sitting, ... -
Post-competition recovery strategies in elite male soccer players. Effects on performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Altarriba Bartés, Albert; Peña, Javier (Peña López); Vicens-Bordas, Jordi; Milà, Raimon; Calleja González, Julio (PLoS One, 2020, vol. 15, núm. 10, e0240135, 2020-10-02)Aims The main aim of the present review was to update the available evidence on the value interest of post-competition recovery strategies in male professional or semi-professional soccer players to ... -
The Impact of pharmaceutical care in multidisciplinary teams on health outcomes: systematic review and meta-analysis
Ruiz-Ramos, Jesús; Hernández Hernández, Marta; Juanes Borrego, Ana; Milà, Raimon; Mangues-Bafalluy, Maria A.; Mestres Miralles, Concepción (Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (JAMDA), 2021, vol. 22, núm. 12, p. 2518-2526, 2021-07)Objectives Pharmacists’ care has an essential role in multidisciplinary teams in charge of chronic patients. However, data available on the clinical outcomes of these activities appear inconclusive. ... -
The Measurement of food insecurity in high-income countries: a scoping review
Carrillo Álvarez, Elena; Salinas-Roca, Blanca; Costa-Tutusaus, Lluís; Milà, Raimon; Shankar Krishnan, Nithya (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18, 9829, 2021-09-17)The measurement of food insecurity is essential to monitor the prevalence, risk factors, consequences and effects of food insecurity and the interventions and policies implemented to tackle it. Yet, how ...