Browsing by Author "Solana-Tramunt, Mònica"
Now showing items 1-17 of 17
Acute effect of posterior deltoid static stretching on Glenohumeral Internal Rotation Deficit in elite swimmers after competition. A randomized trial
Solana-Tramunt, Mònica; López-Vidriero, R.; López-Vidriero, E. (The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 2018, Vol. 6, Núm. 6 (supl. 3), 2018)The aim of this study was to determine whether a static stretch of posterior deltoid could reduce the glenohumeral internal rotation deficit (GIRD) and the total arc of movement deficit (TAMD) in ... -
Acute effects of jaw clenching using a customized mouthguard on anaerobic ability and ventilatory flows
Morales Aznar, José; Buscà Safont-Tria, Bernat; Solana-Tramunt, Mònica; Miró, Adrià (Human Movement Science, 2015, Vol. 44, 2017-05-29)The latest findings on the ergogenic effects of a dentistry-design, bite-aligning mouthpiece require additional research to assess its impact on anaerobic ability and ventilatory parameters. This paper ... -
Does eight weeks of integrated functional core and plyometric training improve postural control performance in young rhythmic gymnasts?
Cabrejas, Cristina; Morales Aznar, José; Solana-Tramunt, Mònica; Nieto-Guisado, Ainhoa; Badiola-Zabala, Alesander; Campos-Rius, Josep (Motor control, 26(4), 568-590., 2022-07)It has been suggested that core stability and plyometric training (CPT) can enhance athletes’ postural control. Nevertheless, the effects of an integrated core and plyometric training program on rhythmic ... -
Effects of jaw clenching wearing customized mouthguards on agility, power and vertical jump in male high-standard basketball players
Buscà Safont-Tria, Bernat; Moreno-Doutres, Daniel; Peña, Javier; Morales Aznar, José; Solana-Tramunt, Mònica; Aguilera-Castells, Joan (Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, Volume 16, Issue 1 , April 2018, Pages 5-11, 2017-12)Background/Objective: Basketball players commonly use mouthguards for protecting their mouths from collisions with other players. Besides, literature reports that specific types of mouthguards may ... -
Effects of jaw clenching wearing customized mouthguards on agility, power and vertical jump in male high-standard basketball players
Buscà Safont-Tria, Bernat; Moreno-Doutres, Daniel; Peña, Javier; Morales Aznar, José; Solana-Tramunt, Mònica (Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 2017)Background/Objective: Basketball players commonly use mouthguards for protecting their mouths fromcollisions with other players. Besides, literature reports that specific types of mouthguards may becomean ... -
Effects of Jaw Clenching While Wearing a Customized Bite-Aligning Mouthpiece on Strength in Healthy Young Men
Buscà Safont-Tria, Bernat; Morales Aznar, José; Solana-Tramunt, Mònica; Miró, Adrià; García, Mario (Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 30(4):p 1102-1110, 2016-04)Recent studies have investigated the ergogenic effects of different types of mouthguards. There is evidence of the benefits of clenching customized mouthpieces on force and power development. The ... -
Effects of wearing a customized bite-aligning mouthguard on powerful actions in highly trained swimmers
Miró, Adrià; Buscà Safont-Tria, Bernat; Solana-Tramunt, Mònica; Aguilera-Castells, Joan; Arboix Alió, Jordi; Vernoux, Fred; Arellano, Raúl (Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 19(2021), 259-268, 2021)Background/objectives: The potential advantages of wearing customized bite-aligning mouthguards on several performance parameters such as muscular strength, power and reaction time have been ... -
Effects of Wearing a Jaw-repositioning Intra-oral Device in Synchronized Swimming Athletes
Solana-Tramunt, Mònica; Buscà Safont-Tria, Bernat; Morales Aznar, José; Miró, Adrià; Aguilera-Castells, Joan; Arboix-Alió, Jordi (International Journal of Sports Medicine, 2020; 41(12): 839-845, 2020-06)The effects of wearing an intra-oral device on several ventilatory and fatigue markers have been reported for a variety of sports. The quality of the figures performed in synchronized swimming is directly ... -
Los Estiramientos : apuntes metodológicos para su aplicación
Solana-Tramunt, Mònica (Aloma, 2007, Núm. 21, 2007)Los estiramientos son ejercicios de los que todos, más tarde o más temprano, hemos oído hablar. Pero, ¿cuántos de nosotros sabemos realmente qué son?, ¿para qué sirven?, ¿en qué se basan? y ¿cómo deben ... -
Muscle activity of Bulgarian squat: effects of additional vibration, suspension and unstable surface
Aguilera-Castells, Joan; Buscà Safont-Tria, Bernat; Morales, Jose; Solana-Tramunt, Mònica; Fort Vanmeerhaeghe, Azahara; Rey Abella, Ferran; Bantulà, Jaume; Peña, Javier (Peña López) (PLoS One, 2019, vol. 14, núm. 8:e0221710, 2019-08)Practitioners of strength and conditioning are increasingly using vibration and unstable environments to enhance training effects. However, little evidence has been found comparing the use of suspension ... -
Physical activity, physical fitness and academic achievement in adolescents: a self-organizing maps approach
Pellicer-Chenoll, Maite; García-Massó, Xavier; Morales Aznar, José; Serra-Añó, Pilar; Solana-Tramunt, Mònica; González, Luis-Millán; Toca-Herrera, José Luis (Health Education Research, 2015, Vol. 30, Núm. 3, 2017-05-29)The relationship among physical activity, physical fitness and academic achievement in adolescents has been widely studied; however, controversy concerning this topic persists. The methods used thus far ... -
Physiological and psychological changes at the end of the soccer season in elite female athletes
Morales Aznar, José; Roman, Vicenç; Yáñez, Alexandre; Solana-Tramunt, Mònica; Álamo, Juan M.; Fíguls, Antón (Journal of Human Kinetics, març 2019, 2019)This study compares and describes relationships among stress-recovery indices, the heart rate variability index, and the Cooper and Yo-Yo IR1 tests among female soccer players during the last six weeks ... -
Solucions tecnològiques per a l’estudi de la variabilitat de la freqüència cardíaca, l’estrès i la recuperació
Morales Aznar, José; Yañez de la Cal, Alexandre; Solana-Tramunt, Mònica (Aloma, 2016, Vol. 34, Núm. 2, 2016-11)La variabilitat de la freqüència cardíaca (VFC) fa referència al temps de l’interval entre batec i batec del cor. A causa del fet que quest interval no és fix sinó que oscil·la constantment, la dinàmica ... -
Stress and autonomic response to sleep deprivation in medical residents: A comparative cross-sectional study
Morales Aznar, José; Yáñez, Alexandre; Fernández-González, Liria; Montesinos-Magraner, Lluïsa; Marco-Ahulló, Adrià; Solana-Tramunt, Mònica; Calvete, Esther (PLOS ONE, April 4, 2019, 2019)The aim of this study was to evaluate the stress suffered by medical residents as the result of being on call for 24 hours, from a multidimensional approach. Two groups of medical residents selected ... -
Suspended lunge exercise: assessment of forces in different positions and paces
Aguilera-Castells, Joan; Buscà Safont-Tria, Bernat; Peña, Javier; Fort Vanmeerhaeghe, Azahara; Solana-Tramunt, Mònica; Morales Aznar, José (Aloma, 2019, Vol. 37(1), 2019)The forces exerted on a suspension device have been examined in the upper body exercises such as push-ups or inverted row. However, there is a lack of evidence with regard to the effects of a suspension ... -
The Effect of Eight-Week Functional Core Training on Core Stability in Young Rhythmic Gymnasts: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Cabrejas, Cristina; Solana-Tramunt, Mònica; Morales Aznar, José; Campos-Rius, Josep; Ortegón, Alberto; Nieto-Guisado, Ainhoa; Carballeira, Eduardo (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19, 3509, 2022)Abstract: It is suggested that core stability (CS) might improve rhythmic gymnasts’ performance. Nevertheless, the effect of core stability training (CST) in CS performance is not clear. Purpose: ... -
The use of an electrogoniometer to assess both lumbar range of movement and its conscious control: a comparison between healthy subjects and elite swimmers
Solana-Tramunt, Mònica; Morales Aznar, José; Cabedo Sanromà, Josep; Guerra Balic, Míriam (Gazzetta Medica Italiana - Archivio per le Scienze Mediche 2019 May; 178(5):277-86, 2019-05)BACKGROUND: Lumbar range of movement (ROM) and its conscious control play a crucial role in maintaining lumbar health and result in better limb efficiency, core control, stability and balance. However, ...