Browsing by Author "Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi"
Now showing items 1-20 of 37
A Pitch Marks Filtering Algorithm Based on Restricted Dynamic Programming
Alías Pujol, Francesc; Monzó Sánchez, Carlos; Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi (2006-09-17)In this paper, a generic pitch marks filtering algorithm (PMFA) is introduced in order to achieve reliable and smooth pitch marks from any input pitch tracking or marking algorithm. The proposed PMFA ... -
A Review of physical and perceptual feature extraction techniques for speech, music and environmental sounds
Alías Pujol, Francesc; Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi; Sevillano Domínguez, Xavier (Applied Sciences. 2016, Vol. 6, No.5 (Maig), 2016-05)Endowing machines with sensing capabilities similar to those of humans is a prevalent quest in engineering and computer science. In the pursuit of making computers sense their surroundings, a huge effort ... -
A unit selection text-to-speech-and-singing synthesis framework from neutral speech: proof of concept
Freixes Guerreiro, Marc; Alías Pujol, Francesc; Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi (EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing. 2019:22, 2019-12)Text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis systems have been widely used in general-purpose applications based on the generation of speech. Nonetheless, there are some domains, such as storytelling or voice output ... -
A WASN-Based Suburban Dataset for Anomalous Noise Event Detection on Dynamic Road-Traffic Noise Mapping
Alsina Pagès, Rosa Maria; Orga Vidal, Ferran; Alías Pujol, Francesc; Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi (Sensors. 2019, Vol. 19, No. 11, 2019-05)Traffic noise is presently considered one of the main pollutants in urban and suburban areas. Several recent technological advances have allowed a step forward in the dynamic computation of road-traffic ... -
Acoustic Categorization of the urban Multi-Sensor Network ofthe DYNAMAP LIFE project developed for Road Traffic NoiseMapping
Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi; Alsina Pagès, Rosa Maria; Alías Pujol, Francesc; Orga Vidal, Ferran (2019-06-16)The DYNAMAP LIFE project proposes the implementation of a dynamic noisemapping system able to determine the acoustic impact of road infrastructures inreal-time, following the European ... -
Adaptación del CTH-URL para la competición Albayzin 2008
Monzo Sánchez, Carlos; Formiga Fanals, Lluís; Adell, Jordi; Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi; Alías Pujol, Francesc; Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi (2008-11)En esta comunicación describimos el sistema de síntesis de voz presentado a la competición Albayzin 2008. Es un sistema que sigue un esquema clásico de concatenación de unidades basado en corpus. Cabe ... -
Adapting an Anomalous Noise Events Detectorfor Real-Life Operation in the Rome SuburbanPilot Area of the DYNAMAP’s Project
Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi; Alsina Pagès, Rosa Maria; Alías Pujol, Francesc; Orga Vidal, Ferran (2018-05-27)The DYNAMAP project is aimed at implementing a dynamic noise mapping system able to determine the acoustic impact of road infrastructures in real-time, encouraged by the European Noise Directive 2002/49/EC. ... -
Aggregate Impact of Anomalous Noise Events on the WASN-Based Computation of Road Traffic Noise Levels in Urban and Suburban Environments
Alías Pujol, Francesc; Orga Vidal, Ferran; Alsina Pagès, Rosa Maria; Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi (Sensors, 2020, Vol. 20 No 3, 2020-01)Environmental noise can be defined as the accumulation of noise pollution caused by sounds generated by outdoor human activities, Road Traffic Noise (RTN) being the main source in urban and suburban ... -
An Anomalous Noise Events Detector for Dynamic Road Traffic Noise Mapping in Real-Life Urban and Suburban Environments
Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi; Alías Pujol, Francesc; Alsina Pagès, Rosa Maria (Sensors. 2017, Vol.17, No.10, 2017-10)One of the main aspects affecting the quality of life of people living in urban and suburban areas is their continued exposure to high Road Traffic Noise (RTN) levels. Until now, noise measurements in ... -
Análisis y Síntesis Audiovisual para Interfaces Multimodales Ordenador-Persona
Sevillano Domínguez, Xavier; Melenchón Maldonado, Javier; Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi (2006-11)Las técnicas multimodales de procesamiento de señal están llamadas a jugar un papel preponderante en la implementación de interfaces que faciliten la interacción natural entre los ordenadores y los ... -
Anomalous Noise Events Considerations for the Computation of Road Traffic Noise Levels in Suburban Areas: The DYNAMAP's Rome Case Study
Orga Vidal, Ferran; Alsina Pagès, Rosa Maria; Alías Pujol, Francesc; Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi; Bellucci, Patrizia; Peruzzi, Laura (2017-06-07) -
Anomalous Noise Events Considerations for the Computation of Road Traffic Noise Levels: The Dynamap's Milan Case Study
Orga Vidal, Ferran; Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi; Alías Pujol, Francesc; Alsina Pagès, Rosa Maria; Zambon, Giovanni; Benocci, Roberto; Bisceglie, Alessandro (2017-07-23)Dynamic noise maps are computed to represent the noise levels generated by road traffic in realtime to determine the population exposure to environmental noise. To this aim, a network ofacoustic ... -
Aplicació de tècniques de generació automàtica de la parla en producció audiovisual
Alías Pujol, Francesc; Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi; Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi (Quaderns del CAC 37, 2011. Vol. 14, 2 (Desembre), 2011-12)En aquest article es presenta un resum del treball de recerca que porta el mateix títol, realitzat gràcies a l’ajut concedit pel CAC en la VII convocatòria d’Ajuts a projectes de recerca sobre ... -
La Conversión de Texto en Habla Multidominio: principios y portabilidad
Alías Pujol, Francesc; Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi (Libro de actas de las IV Jornadas en Tecnología del Habla, 2006-11-08)La conversión de texto en habla (CTH) multidominio per-sigue conseguir una calidad sintética cercana a la de lossistemas de CTH diseñados para un determinado ámbi-to o aplicación, aumentando su flexibilidad ... -
Description of Anomalous Noise Events for Reliable Dynamic Traffic Noise Mapping in Real-Life Urban and Suburban Soundscapes
Alías Pujol, Francesc; Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi (Applied Sciences. 2017, Vol.7 No.2 (Febrer), 2017-02)Traffic noise is one of the main pollutants in urban and suburban areas. European authorities have driven several initiatives to study, prevent and reduce the effects of exposure of population to traffic. ... -
Detecting Anomalous Noise Events on Low-Capacity Acoustic Sensor in Dynamic Road Traffic Noise Mapping
Alsina Pagès, Rosa Maria; Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi; Alías Pujol, Francesc (2017-11-13)One of the main aspects affecting the life of people living in urban and suburban areas is their continued exposure to high road traffic noise (RTN) levels, traditionally measured by specialists working ... -
Detection of Anomalous Noise Events for Real-Time Road-Traffic Noise Mapping: The Dynamap's project case study
Alías Pujol, Francesc; Alsina Pagès, Rosa Maria; Orga Vidal, Ferran; Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi (Noise Mapping. 2018. Vol. 5, No.1, 2018-06)Environmental noise is increasing year after year, especially in urban and suburban areas. Besides annoyance, environmental noise also causes harmful health effects on people. The Environmental Noise ... -
Detection of Anomalous Noise Events on Low-Capacity Acoustic Nodes for Dynamic Road Traffic Noise Mapping within an Hybrid WASN
Alsina Pagès, Rosa Maria; Alías Pujol, Francesc; Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi; Orga Vidal, Ferran (Sensors. 2018, Vol.18, No.4, 2018-04)One of the main aspects affecting the quality of life of people living in urban and suburban areas is the continuous exposure to high road traffic noise (RTN) levels. Nowadays, thanks to Wireless Acoustic ... -
DYNAMAP - Development of low cost sensors networks for real time noise mapping
Sevillano Domínguez, Xavier; Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi; Alías Pujol, Francesc; Bellucci, Patrizia; Peruzzi, Laura; Radaelli, Simone; Coppi, Paola; Nencini, Luca; Cerniglia, Andrea; Bisceglie, Alessandro; Benocci, Roberto; Zambon, Giovanni (Noise Mapping. 2016. Vol. 3, No.1, 2016-05)The Environmental Noise Directive (END) requires that regular updating of noise maps is implemented every five years to check and report about the changes occurred during the reference period. The ... -
Feature Diversity in Cluster Ensembles for Robust Document Clustering
Sevillano Domínguez, Xavier; Cobo Rodríguez, Germán; Alías Pujol, Francesc; Socoró Carrié, Joan Claudi (2006-08)The performance of document clustering systems depends on employing optimal text representations, which are not only difficult to determine beforehand, but also may vary from one clustering problem to ...