Browsing by Author "Miotto, Giorgia"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Achieving Legitimacy Through Gender Equality Policies
Blanco-González, Alicia; Diez-Martin, Francisco; Miotto, Giorgia (SAGE Open, Vol. 13, núm. 2, 2023, 2023)The academic literature has shown some positive effects of gender equality policies’ development on the companies’ performance. However, often companies are not promoting this type of policies. This ... -
Branded content: una nueva apuesta para el New York Times
Miotto, Giorgia; Payne, Gregory (adComunica. Revista Científica de Estrategias, Tendencias e Innovación en Comunicación, núm. 17, 2019, 2019)En un entorno caracterizado por un flujo continuo de información gratuita en la red, tanto los medios de comunicación como las marcas luchan cada día para ganar la batalla en la economía de la atención ... -
Consumer Ethicality Perception and Legitimacy: Competitive Advantages in COVID-19 Crisis
Payne, Gregory; Blanco-González, Alicia; Miotto, Giorgia; Del Castillo Feito, Cristina (American Behavioral Scientist, May 2021 (online first), 2021)The article aims to analyze the cause–effect relationship between Brand Ethicality Perception (CPE), legitimacy and purchase intention during the COVID-19 first wave, taking into consideration the ... -
Cultural Sustainability and the SDGs: Strategies and Priorities in the European Union Countries
Ferran Vila, Susanna; Miotto, Giorgia; Rom Rodríguez, Josep A. (European Journal of Sustainable Development, vol. 10, núm. 2, 2021, 2021)This research aims to analyze how the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are included in the EU cultural policies and which are the priorities of the European Union (EU) in ... -
Gender equality and UN sustainable development goals: priorities and correlations in the top business schools’ communication and legitimation strategies
Miotto, Giorgia; Polo López, Marc; Rom Rodríguez, Josep A. (Sustainability, vol. 11, núm. 302, 2019, 2019)Gender equality is still an issue in business schools, since women in MBAs classrooms, in faculty and in management teams have low representation. Challenges caused by lack of financial aids, salaries ... -
Gender equality: a tool for legitimacy in the fast fashion industry
Miotto, Giorgia; Vilajoana Alejandre, Sandra (Harvard Deusto Business Research, vol. 8, núm. 2, núm. especial, 2019, 2019)Gender equality is an extremely important issue for all businesses, nevertheless the fast fashion industry, which targets mainly the female population, faces major challenges related to women wellbeing ... -
Governance, Ethics and Accountability in Universities Strategic Plans
Miotto, Giorgia; Díez Martín, Francisco; Del Castillo Feito, Cristina (Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics, vol. 1, núm. 11, 2020, 2020)Universities mission is not limited to creating and sharing knowledge with students, companies and the society in general. Univer-sities have the responsibility to work for common good improvement and ... -
Journalism, addressable TV and measurability of audiences: a legislative proposal
Fondevila-Gascón, Joan-Francesc; Polo López, Marc; Miotto, Giorgia; Lavín de la Cavada, José María (Congreso Internacional de Ciberperiodismo (11º. 2019. Bilbao). Nuevos actores y estrategias en el espacio mediático compartido, 2020)The television medium, which resists the push of the Internet as an advertising medium and maintains the leadership in audience numbers, is no stranger to the debate on how to measure, in a technically ... -
La televisión interactiva en la universidad: análisis de usos y aplicabilidad
Polo López, Marc; Fondevila-Gascón, Joan-Francesc; Miotto, Giorgia; Berbel Giménez, Gaspar (RISTI. Revista Ibérica de sistemas y tecnologías de la información, núm. E20, maig 2019, 2019)El estándar HbbTV se está consolidando en el entorno español y europeo. La universidad percibe la necesidad de estudiar el fenómeno, al efecto de plantearse la inclusión en los planes de estudio como ... -
Managing Perceived Legitimacy in Uncertain Times: The Effects of Long-Covid
Miotto, Giorgia; Blanco-González, Alicia; Paule-Vianez, Jessica; Escamilla-Solano, Sandra (Tripodos, núm. 54, 2023, 2023)Uncertainty and unpredictability are the main characteristics of a crisis: the Covid-19 pandemic was definitely characterised by these two issues. During the Covid-19 pandemic, people experienced a very ... -
My Time: Incidencia de la televisión a la carta en la evolución del prime time en España
Polo López, Marc; Miotto, Giorgia; Fondevila-Gascón, Joan-Francesc (Revista latina de comunicación social, núm. 73, 2018, 2018)Introducción: El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar el impacto de la televisión a la carta en las audiencias del prime time en España. La aparición de distintas cadenas de televisión a ... -
Nuevas narrativas publicitarias televisivas: la interactividad y la métrica en el HbbTV
Fondevila-Gascón, Joan-Francesc; Polo López, Marc; Vilajoana Alejandre, Sandra; Miotto, Giorgia (Comunicació. Revista de recerca i d'anàlisi, vol. 37, núm. 2, 2020, 2020)La progresiva penetración del estándar HbbTV (Hybrid broadcast broadband Television) rompe los esquemas tradicionales de medida de audiencia televisiva, ya que, en contenidos interactivos, el telespectador ... -
Percepción ética de la marca y valor de marca: análisis comparativo del Global 100 Ranking y del Best Global Brand Ranking
Barba Rey, Montserrat; Blanco-González, Alicia; Miotto, Giorgia (aDResearch ESIC. International Journal of Communication Research, Vol. 30, 2023, 2023)El objetivo de este estudio es analizar si las marcas percibidas como éticas son, a la vez, las que tienen mejores resultados económicos y un mejor valor de marca. Las marcas éticas son percibidas ... -
Relationship between equality policies and moral legitimacy according to experts’perceptions
Blanco-González, Alicia; Miotto, Giorgia; Díez-Martín, Francisco; Prado-Román, Camilo (Trípodos, núm. 48, 2020, 2020)The gender equality topic is gaining momentum both in the organizational and in the institutional management field. In order to close the gender gap that is common in the business ... -
Retos de la autorregulación publicitaria ante los riesgos jurídicos y éticos del marketing de influencers
Vilajoana Alejandre, Sandra; Rom Rodríguez, Josep A.; Miotto, Giorgia (Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación/Mediterranean Journal of Communication, vol. 10, núm. 2, 2019, 2019)Ante el auge del marketing de influencers, este estudio, descriptivo y analítico, responde a tres objetivos: identificar y describir los límites legales y éticos de esta práctica publicitaria; en segundo ... -
Social Responsibility: A Tool for Legitimation in Spanish Universities’ Strategic Plans
Miotto, Giorgia; Castillo Feito, Cristina del; Blanco-González, Alicia (Trípodos, núm. 42, 2018, 2018)The mission of universities is not limited to creating and transferring knowledge. Nowadays, universities have the responsibility of working towards the improvement of people’s lives and solving ... -
The impact of state legitimacy on entrepreneurial activity
Díez-Martín, Francisco; Blanco-González, Alicia; Miotto, Giorgia (International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 4 January 2021, 2021)The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of the state legitimacy on of the different countries’ entrepreneurial activity’s development, the opportunities’ perception and the entrepreneurship’s ... -
The influence of business ethics and community outreach on faculty engagement: the mediating effect of legitimacy in higher education
Blanco-González, Alicia; Del-Castillo-Feito, Cristina; Miotto, Giorgia (European Journal of Management and Business Economics, 8 abril 2021, 2021)Purpose – The aim of this paper is to measure the effects of universities’ ethical management and positive impact on society affect the faculty engagement through the mediating effect of organizational ... -
The intellectual structure of gender equality research in the business economics literature
Díez Martín, Francisco; Miotto, Giorgia; Del Castillo Feito, Cristina (Review of Managerial Science, 12 may 2023, 2023)In both the public and private sectors, gender equality is a major issue faced by modern management. It is also a primary concern for the global sustainable development defined by the UN 2030 Agenda. ... -
The SDGs in the EU Cultural Policies: an institutional communication perspective
Ferran Vila, Susanna; Miotto, Giorgia; Rom Rodríguez, Josep A. (Communication & Society, 2022, 35(4), 117-131, 2022)The main goal of this research is to analyze the experts’ opinions on cultural sustainability and the importance of sustainable development in the EU cultural policies. Besides, the research analyses ...