Validity and reliability of the satel 40 Hz stabilometric force platform for measuring quiet stance and dynamic standing balance in healthy subjects
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Background: A force platform must have validity and reliability for optimal use.
The objective of this study was to analyze the validity and the reliability of the Satel 40 Hz stabilometric force platform. Methods: A study of instrumental validity and reliability, involving a cross-sectional correlational and comparative analysis was performed. To determine the validity, four certified weights located on three axes were used and the ability of the stabilometric force platform to detect
changes in the position of the different axes was observed. A test–retest was performed to analyze the reliability. Forty-two symptom-free volunteers participated in the study. Assessments were taken in a standing static position and in a dynamic position, with the eyes open and closed. Three measurements were taken and the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) was calculated. Results: The validity increased as the weight increased for all the variables measured in the stabilometric parameters (p < 0.05). The reliability was shown to be good to excellent for the two visual conditions. The positional variables obtained a higher ICC. The variable with the best ICC was the Y mean in OE (ICC 0.874 and a p < 0.001). All the values showed an increase in a dynamic situation.
Conclusion: The findings support the reliability and validity of the Satel 40 Hz stabilometric force platform. The platform could be recommended to evaluate static and dynamic standing balance in healthy adult individuals. Guidelines for treatment and the level of quality of stabilometry could be obtained from its use.
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Materias (CDU)
615 - Farmacología. Terapéutica. Toxicología. Radiología
Palabras clave
Postura humana
Equilibri -- Avaluació
14 p.
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Publicado en
International Journal on Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(21), 7733
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