Drug related problems in clinical practice: a cross-sectional study on their prevalence, risk factors and associated pharmaceutical interventions
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Drug-related problems (DRP) cause preventable negative health outcomes, especially during hospital admissions. The aim of our study was to examine the prevalence and characteristics of DRP in regular clinical pharmacy, as well as to determine those factors associated with a higher risk of DRP in the hospital setting. We analyzed data from a standardized registry database of regular pharmacy practice (2015- 2016). DRP were classified according to the Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe v6.2 classification. Cross-sectional data were obtained from 1602 adults admitted to medical wards. Crude and adjusted binary logistic regressions were performed to identify associations between potential risk factors and DRP. Overall DRP prevalence was high across medical specialties (45,1%), in a population characterized by advanced age, polypharmacy and multimorbidity. Problems leading to DRP were mainly classified into two domains (effectiveness and adverse reactions), being drug and dose selection the most frequent causes. Interventions were accepted and DRP were totally or partially solved in 74.1% and 4.81% of cases, respectively. In the adjusted model polypharmacy, allergies, BMI > 25 kg/m2 and clearance < 30 mL/min were associated with a higher risk of DRP. The participation of clinical pharmacists into multidisciplinary teams promotes the detection and solution of DRP. Polypharmacy, obesity, renal impairment and allergy are associated with a higher risk of DRP during admission.
Document Type
Document version
Published version
Medicaments -- Administració
Medicaments -- Efectes secundaris
Farmàcies d'hospital
Farmàcia clínica
11 p.
Springer Nature
Is part of
Scientific reports, 2021, 11, 883
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