Smart Tourism Empowered by Artificial Intelligence: The Case of Lanzarote
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the rules of the game in many industries. This case details how the combination of open innovation and artificial intelligence generates new opportunities in the tourism sector. Specifically, how to create new customer experiences through searching tools, social platforms and cognitive interfaces to make intelligent decisions. The authors show that it is possible to increase tourist satisfaction by offering a set of customized activities and experiences according to their personal characteristics and motivations. The combination of cutting-edge digital technologies makes it possible to design new services in an automated and cost-affordable manner. The experience has been carried out in Lanzarote (Canary Islands, Spain), with support of IBM's Watson system. This is a good example of AI-fueled innovation in services, which is adequate for courses on innovation, technology, entrepreneurship and competitive strategy.
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Customer Satisfaction
13 p.
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IGI Publishing
Publicat a
Journal of Cases on Information Technology
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