A paradox approach to sustainable product-service systems
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Fecha de publicación
A move towards the business model of product-service systems (PSS) holds the promise of changing customer behaviour in a more sustainable direction. While this promise of PSS to play a key role in business sustainability has long been recognised, so far, the realised sustainability benefits remain limited. This article sheds light on the reasons why PSS seem to struggle with delivering on their potential. It develops the argument that sustainable PSS are fraught with paradoxical tensions between their marketability and their potential to achieve substantive sustainability benefits. Applying a paradox lens, the article identifies six paradoxes inherent to sustainable PSS and argues that unlocking their full potential to achieve sustainability benefits requires a proactive approach to respond to these paradoxes.
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Palabras clave
Product-service systems
8 p.
Publicado por
Elsevier Inc.
Publicado en
Industrial Marketing Management
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