Applying Molecular Modeling to the Design of Innovative, Non-Symmetrical CXCR4 Inhibitors with Potent Anticancer Activity
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The identification of new compounds with potential activity against CXC chemokine receptor type 4 (CXCR4) has been broadly studied, implying several chemical families, particularly AMD3100 derivatives. Molecular modeling has played a pivotal role in the identification of new active compounds. But, has its golden age ended? A virtual library of 450,000 tetraamines of general structure 8 was constructed by using five spacers and 300 diamines, which were obtained from the corresponding commercially available cyclic amines. Diversity selection was performed to guide the virtual screening of the former database and to select the most representative set of compounds. Molecular docking on the CXCR4 crystal structure allowed us to rank the selection and identify those candidate molecules with potential antitumor activity against diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Among them, compound A{17,18} stood out for being a non-symmetrical structure, synthetically feasible, and with promising activity against DLBCL in in vitro experiments. The focused study of symmetrical-related compounds allowed us to identify potential pre-hits (IC50~20 µM), evidencing that molecular design is still relevant in the development of new CXCR4 inhibitor candidates.
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Matèries (CDU)
616 - Patologia. Medicina clínica. Oncologia
Paraules clau
virtual screening
molecular design
14 p.
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International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024;25(17):9446
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