Strengths and weaknesses of PhD training to develop alternative careers. Insights from PhD holders working beyond academia
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Purpose – This study aims to critically assesses how Spanish PhD holders working outside academia
perceive and value their past PhD training experiences within academic PhD programs, addressing the
growing need for skills applicable in various sectors.
Design/methodology/approach – Using a retrospective interpretative design, the authors collected
qualitative data from 35 PhD holders who have transitioned to non-academic careers. Through multimodal
interviews, the authors gathered in-depth perceptions to understand the strengths and weaknesses of existing
PhD training in relation to non-academic employability.
Findings – The findings highlight a significant disconnect between academic-oriented training and the practical
demands of non-academic jobs, particularly in non-research roles. While PhD training was valued in researchrelated non-academic positions, especially in STEM fields, it was considered insufficient for those in managerial or
other non-research roles unless the training included specific industry-related projects. Participants suggested a
cultural shift in PhD programs towards a more balanced academic and non-academic focus, integrating societal
concerns and broader competencies like effective communication and managerial skills. These changes are seen as
crucial for better-preparing PhD candidates for diverse professional environments, emphasising the need for PhD
programs to evolve continually in response to the changing dynamics of the labour market and societal needs.
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Paraules clau
Formació doctoral
Carreres post-doctorals
Carreres doctorals alternatives
Carreres doctorals no-acadèmiques
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Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education, 18 novembre 2024
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