Antenna Booster Element for Multiband Operation
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The escalating demand for versatile wireless devices has fostered the need to reduce the antenna footprint to support the integration of multiple new functionalities. This poses a significant challenge for the Internet of things (IoT) antenna designers tasked with creating antennas capable of supporting multiband operation within physical constraints. This work aims to address this challenge by focusing on the optimization of an antenna booster element to achieve multiband performance, accomplished through the design of a band-reject filter. This proposal entails a printed circuit board (PCB) measuring 142 mm × 60 mm, with a clearance area of 12 mm × 40 mm, incorporating an antenna booster element of 30 mm × 3 mm × 1 mm (0.07 λ). This configuration covers frequencies in the LFR (low-frequency range) from 698 MHz to 960 MHz and the HFR (high-frequency range) from 1710 MHz to 2690 MHz. A theoretical analysis is conducted to optimize bandwidth in both frequency regions. Finally, a prototype validates the analytic results.
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Materias (CDU)
621.3 - Ingeniería eléctrica. Electrotecnia. Telecomunicaciones
Palabras clave
Wireless devices
Multiband antenna
Internet of things
Antenna design
Antenna boosters
Matching networks
Dispositius sense fil
Antena multibanda
Internet de les coses
Amplificadors d'antena
Antenes (Electrònica)
18 p.
Publicado por
MDPI : Molecular Diversity Preservation International
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