Journalism, addressable TV and measurability of audiences: a legislative proposal
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2020Altres títols
Periodismo, TV dirigida y mensurabilidad de las audiencias: una propuesta legislativa
The television medium, which resists the push of the Internet as an advertising medium and
maintains the leadership in audience numbers, is no stranger to the debate on how to measure, in a
technically adequate and efficient way, the audiences it achieves. The progressive penetration of the
HbbTV (Hybrid Broadband Television) standard as a form of interactive television in homes opens
new journalistic perspectives breaks the traditional patterns of audience measurement as much as it
supposes the union between the Internet and audiovisual, so that, in interactive contents, the viewer
can derive towards online content. In addition, the possibility of directing personalized content to
them (Addressable TV) means that the measurement of who, when and where you watch television
is complicated and requires new methods to do so. The new global paradigm that opens with these
changes provokes allegations, such as the control of the duration of the visit to an announcement, and
new debates about the control of audiences, since it can be considered a unique visit, or segment the
audiovisual metrics of the from Internet. This quantitative research analyzes the data of a survey on
HbbTV (Interactive TV) in Spain, in which professionals of the sector are questioned about the way
forward to some of these debates. It is concluded that the data obtained by visit must be measured in an
integrated manner, but that the minutes of follow-up through the Internet must be defined according to
the rules of minutes per hour of television advertising.
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Versió publicada
Matèries (CDU)
65 - Gestió i organització. Administració i direcció d'empreses. Publicitat. Relacions públiques. Mitjans de comunicació de masses
Paraules clau
Televisió interactiva
Televisió dirigida
9 p.
Publicat per
Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco
Publicat a
Congreso Internacional de Ciberperiodismo (11º. 2019. Bilbao). Nuevos actores y estrategias en el espacio mediático compartido
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