Impact of medicalized hotels in Generation Z
Data de publicació
The world Is dealing with an extraordinary global crisis, all started when a virus named COVID-19
emerged in China at the end of 2019. Due to its rapid transmission and the large number of
travellers worldwide, this virus spread rapidly, which is how the first case arrived in Spain.
Because of this unknown virus, it has been difficult to treat people properly, as a result hospitals
and health services were extremely overcrowded. As a consequence, medicalized hotels
emerged, with the aim of freeing up hospital beds for the most critical patients. This concept has
been key to more efficient logistics of health resources.
One of the most affected groups by the pandemic has been Generation Z, considered at the same
time, the next wave of travellers. This generation has been affected by the consequences of this
pandemic, such as total lockdown that has led them to stop their studies and work.
In order to carry out this investigation, surveys regarding the medicalized hotels and Generation
Z have been conducted, some result can be highlighted. Firstly, Generation Z has taken awareness
of the difficult situation that the world is living, as the 88% of the Generation Z participants on
the survey complies with the safety measure against the COVID-19. Moreover, after the COVID-
19 apparition Generation Z trends to prioritise their health and safety rather than the price,
however they do not have inconveniences while staying in a hotel that has been medicalized.
This study is aimed to analyse the impacts of medicalized hotels on generation Z.
Tipus de document
Projecte/Treball fi de carrera o de grau
73 p.
Tutor: Gisela Domínguez
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