The evolution from a Gourmet Shop family business to a Gastro Bar
Data de publicació
The present investigation is based on the evolution of a gourmet shop family business into a gastro bar. The familiar company consists of a Charcuterie. This business concept is founded on the sale of cold meats and gourmet goods such as caviar, smoked products, foie, among others. It is currently located in Sabadell and Sant Quirze del Vallès (Barcelona), and have been operating for two decades.
So, in terms of the evolution, this encompasses the creation of a Gastro bar called Gastro Experience in which our clients not only will be capable of buying the product, as they could do in an ordinary establishment, but also to taste them at the moment. In this way, consumers could savour our delightful tapas served with the leading wines of Catalonia and accompanied by their best companions.
As it is going to be proved in this Business Plan, the concept itself will be successful thanks to the following facts which constitute the pillars of the reshaped company and highly valued by the consumers: quality products along with excellence service.
The reason behind choosing this topic as the base for this investigation is due to the rapid growth of the gastronomy sector in Spain. The Food Consumption Panel of the Spanish Ministry showed that out-of-home consumption in 2019 represented an expense of 34,539 million euros which resulted in an increase of 3.7%, compared to 2018. These data affirm that the Restaurant Sector is in a growth phase in the Spanish sector, resulting in plenty opportunities for young entrepreneurs.
For this reason, the analysis has focused on the expansion of the family business of the charcuterie into a gastro bar with signature tapas.
Tipus de document
Projecte/Treball fi de carrera o de grau
77 p.
Tutor: Fede Prats
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