Psychological Distress and Somatization in Immigrants in Primary Health Care Practices
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The process of international migration causes a situation of vulnerability in people’s health
and greater difficulty in coping with disease. Furthermore, the adversities suffered during migration
can trigger reactive signs of stress and cause anxious, depressive, confusional and somatic symptoms.
This article studies the relationships between psychosocial risk, psychological distress and somatization
in immigrants from four communities: Maghrebis, Sub-Saharans, South Americans and South Asian.
A cross-sectional study was carried out with questionnaires on 602 immigrants who were surveyed in
the primary care centers of an urban area of Catalonia. The instruments used were the Demographic
Psychosocial Inventory (DPSI), the Brief SymptomInventory (BSI) and the Somatic SymptomInventory
(SSI). The average psychosocial risk obtained was 0.35, with the highest values in the Sub-Saharan
community. Psychological distress showed a mean value of 0.66, with the Sub-Saharan community
scoring the lowest in all dimensions except depression. The average somatization values were 1.65,
with the Sub-Saharan community scoring the least. The female gender is a risk factor for somatization
and psychological distress. Perceived psychosocial risk is a predictor of psychological distress, but not
somatization, suggesting that the use of more adaptive coping strategies could minimize the effect of
the migration process on somatizations.
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Palabras clave
Malalties psicosomàtiques
Atenció primària
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Publicado en
Healthcare 2020, 8(4), 557
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