Weaving Regional Learning Ecosystems: a conceptual framework and tool for government leaders and policymakers
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This article describes the outcome of a first, conceptual stage in a global project led by
NetEduProject and UNESCO. The goal is to design a tool targeting government leaders and
policymakers that would weave together Regional Learning Ecosystems. A tentative
grounded ecosystem approach and tool concept is developed from a literature review,
comparison of current stakeholders maps, case studies and through global workshops and
collective good practices analysis. Through an initial collaboration between the concept tool
development team and a prototyping process being carried out in Ghana, this new approach
led to the creation of the first digital version tool. The tool is intended to be inherently
flexible and evolutive while also offering structure to broaden the decision-making space.
And so, it is the overall aim to support government leaders and policymakers in weaving
together, alongside, and in partnership with others the learning processes across their
country—from schools to workplaces - so the tool motivate and assist leaders in building
relationships that will have a lasting impact on organizations, regional economies and
communities. In other words, the overall purpose of creating spaces is to shift people's
awareness and expand what they already know—but don't necessarily see as relevant or connected. This lens change has the potential to seed positive interdependencies, mobilize
diverse stakeholders from multiple sectors and disciplines beyond traditional educational
systems and strengthen communities.
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Ensenyament -- Innovacions -- TFM
Ecosistemes d'aprenentatge
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TFM del Màster Universitari en Lideratge de la Innovació Pedagògica i Direcció de Centres Educatius. Tutoritzat per Jordi Díaz-Gibson
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